Ash is the Co-Founder of Obvi one of the world’s fastest-growing health & nutrition brands. With over 7-figures in monthly ad spend Ash is an expert on eCommerce growth from driving traffic to conversion rate optimization and operational growth.
Your unique chance to be a fly on the wall during a MentorPass session, where Ash provides expert analysis and actionable advice on Ben's website and ad creative. Whether you're a startup entrepreneur or a seasoned marketer, this session is packed with insights on website optimization, ad strategies, and leveraging influencer marketing for brand growth.
00;00;00;00 - 00;00;07;07
Yeah, no, it's been an insane day. We've been, like, launching a bunch of stuff, so I feel like I've just been, like, a lot of inbound, so.
00;00;07;09 - 00;00;38;08
Yeah, I'm really excited for this kind of session. I've been on Enterprise for a little while. I know Ash has been up for a while. I'm super close with Kenny and I think it's like a super platform for people to just get access to people that are like really in the thick of it. And so what we thought would be cool for today is to do like a for on in the chat right now just be like a live or sorry a fly on the wall during a live session and Ash is going to break down Ben's ad creative and so I'll let you guys take it away from here just as if it was
00;00;38;08 - 00;01;06;09
like a normal mentor pass call Ash and Ben please give like an introduction to yourselves or what you guys are working on. And yeah, I'll let you guys take it from here. Cool. Awesome. Thanks. Hey, everybody. My name is Ash. I am the co-founder and CMO of a health and wellness brand called Hobby, about four years old. My, I've seen myself or my other partner on Twitter, Ron.
00;01;06;12 - 00;01;32;00
But yeah, I pretty much handle all of our media land page development and website development strategy, and I've been on Mentor Path for for the last year trying to help whoever I can, whether that's at account audience structures, creative processes, pretty much what I do for AbbVie. How can I help you do it. So super excited to to do this live.
00;01;32;04 - 00;01;53;15
It's definitely a first. So it'll be super interesting to see how this goes. But then I'll take it from here. Yeah. Hi, it's my name is Ben. I'm the thunder at ease things. So we have ten years of experience in the food industry. We had a brand called the COI, which is better for you. Ice cream. And now we've been working on it for the past two years.
00;01;53;18 - 00;02;18;19
It's better for you to strip pastries and their sugar, high protein and big fan of RB. I had a few talks with Ron in the past. Awesome guy. And yeah, I'm just looking forward to like getting a review of our website and see what you think of what's effective, what's not effective. Cool. So the I'm going to pretend we're like we're just doing our own magic pass the hundreds of people watching.
00;02;18;21 - 00;02;38;12
Okay, So the way I like to start off that you give me, you know, introduction about the brand up and everything know you want to go into the website and kind of pick it apart. Is there anything else like that I should know right now? Are you guys running ads? Do you plan on running ads? What are your like marketing efforts right now?
00;02;38;19 - 00;02;57;14
And like, where do you really want to kind of dive in for sure? So we haven't really ads, but it's something that we're actively looking into and we're actually working on the landing page in the back end. So we want to like put all our strategy in place and I thought this was like a perfect occasion to speak with you guys.
00;02;57;14 - 00;03;19;18
I know that you're like pros and all that stuff, so getting your info would be super, super beneficial. I'm not sure if we're able to share screen, but would it be possible to like, pull up our website? Yeah, I think so. There should be a present button. Do you want me to pull it up or you want to pull it up?
00;03;19;20 - 00;03;51;00
I guess you can. I think that's more like efficient. Is it like I'm going to pull up your website, right. Yeah it's it's things dot com. Okay, cool. All right, we got it up. Yeah. Perfect. That's. Yeah. Okay, cool. So I'm going to just kind of go through it. I have to be transparent. I went through it, you know, 10 minutes before.
00;03;51;00 - 00;04;16;00
Just kind of go through it a little bit. But I'm going to go through it right now and kind of give you like a live, I guess my live thought processes as I kind of go around it, Right. So right off the bat, super clean. The one thing especially loading on here, if you hadn't told me that you were, you know, that high protein, low sugar, toaster, toaster pastry, I don't get that right away.
00;04;16;03 - 00;04;42;23
Right. Unless I'm of, like, looking at it. It kind of looks like a, you know, pop Great. The better rectangle. I think we could really nail a better headline here. I think people have to look at some of the goats in the space would be like magic spoon oats overnight. You know, if you if you go and take a look at their website, you know this guy could actually pull it up.
00;04;42;25 - 00;05;08;20
Right? So you take a look at magic spoon, right. High protein cereal period is like instantly you know what you're looking at right. Oats overnight. That's oatmeal reimagined breakfast be on the ball 20 grams of protein, 20 plus flavors. Right. So now we're looking at, you know, filling the better rectangle. I think I think you guys can can can come up with a little something more hard hitting.
00;05;08;20 - 00;05;33;12
Right. I think it could be something like the toaster pastry reimagined ten grams of protein, whatever it is, you know, high protein toaster batteries to power your day. Right. So taking some examples from of these brands that have really nailed it, I think can can really move the needle here. Right. So I think above the fold what you want to happen is I want to know exactly what this is.
00;05;33;19 - 00;05;56;11
Without a doubt. Without a single doubt. Right. So moving on, future features has arrived like that. That is a great headline. Right? That should really be up here. Right. Like the better rectangle art of people in the chat. What you guys think. But maybe, maybe agreed maybe this might be the headline that needs to be up top. Right?
00;05;56;13 - 00;06;20;08
Low sugar, high protein, low carb, great. Right off the bat, I'm immediately thinking, well, how much sugar, how much protein, how much, how many carbs? Right. It kind of go into. All right. It's keto friendly, gluten free. Great. The flavors flavors look amazing. Hot chocolate, summer strawberry, sticky cinnamon. Like I'd be trying all of these for sure. Social proof.
00;06;20;11 - 00;06;37;26
Nailed it. And then social, right. So I think I think it's a it's a good start. I think there's a few things that I would I want to kind of move back up here. Ripe future toaster has a wrap. I want to know if I'm coming here and I'm looking for an alternative to obviously, pop Tarts, right? High sugar, low protein.
00;06;37;28 - 00;06;59;21
I'm coming here and I want to understand what am I buying right off the bat? Okay. For for for websites or brands that have one specific product, I think the home page really should have almost everything right. Like that in itself can be its own landing page. Right. So right now I'm thinking, what are my macros? I go to a shop now, variety pack.
00;06;59;23 - 00;07;22;05
The macros are kind of there. I can't really tell kind of scrolling down again. It's here. I still haven't gotten to the macros. Get here. Right. So now it's taken me a couple of scrolls just to get down to where I can hit shop now. Then I go onto the product page. I don't see the macros, I kind of scroll down and then I see it in, you know, over here, right?
00;07;22;09 - 00;07;48;12
So now if this is your main value problem, this should have been in the forefront from the beginning, right like this, in my opinion, the fact that it's ten grams of protein, $1 sugar, six net carbs, that should all be here because as soon as I get there, I want to know what I'm getting into. I want to know that, hey, it's toaster pastries, high, high protein toaster pastries, ten grams of protein, one grams of sugar, six grams of carbs, or whatever it is.
00;07;48;12 - 00;08;14;29
Right. So I think this part can do a lot better. And I think I think we've nailed that. I think I think you get that, too. And the rest of this looks great. Now, the only thing that I would possibly add here and I think overnight does a really good a job at this where if if we're going to showcase everything on the home page, I think there's a couple of things that you might want to add, right.
00;08;15;02 - 00;08;32;12
Ingredients Right now. I'm thinking, okay, is this healthy for me? What's actually going into it? Right. If I'm if I'm in the market for this, I'm very health conscious. I'm very conscious of, you know, putting certain ingredients in my body. So I want to know what it is right off the bat. Right. So what are the ingredients right.
00;08;32;17 - 00;08;49;24
Again, it's probably all on the product page, which is great. If you can highlight some of this on the homepage. Yeah, I think it's great. Right? You have it here. Chickweed, flour, all these fantastic. Everything's here. Why not have a small section on top of that? It's easy to just, boom, Here, they're done. I don't have to look for it.
00;08;49;24 - 00;09;06;20
I don't have to click around and look for it. And then another thing is that I know there's a couple or not a couple, but I'm sure people eat this type of stuff in different ways, right? People tossing in the toaster like they prefer to get it cold. Some people like to like stick in the freezer for a bit and have like a dessert, you know?
00;09;06;20 - 00;09;27;04
So that's another part of the look that's great. Like, that should be on. Not that we have a whole page too. It's like our packaging and it's on the side. We have like all the different options online. How do you at that exact section one three. Yeah. Take it out of the section on, on the, on the homepage.
00;09;27;06 - 00;09;48;21
Right. Again I keep referencing magic spoon and oats overnight, but I do that because it does have really crushed it overnight. Has a whole section of just like how do you use it. Right. And so those are, those are the couple of things that I would recommend on the homepage. Otherwise, I think everybody can agree it looks amazing like a couple couple comments here.
00;09;48;21 - 00;10;13;14
Say, yeah, I'm hungry now. Would you think of some of our pop up and get five of it's good bye mom I left there yeah so I've and a couple of people that are probably listening in one of the biggest things that we moved away from was giving a discount right away. What we've actually towards is cash back, right?
00;10;13;19 - 00;10;45;11
And so we use an app called Fondue. So instead of giving a discount or even cash, right. Basically the cons of doing that is say, your order $100, right? I'm immediately giving you 20% off My, my, my gross. Now, $80. Right. That's the that's the max money coming into my account with cash back. What ends up happening is that I'm getting the $400 upfront right on the back end is when it when the customer can actually redeem the cash back.
00;10;45;11 - 00;11;14;00
So say it's 20, 20%, they'll get $20 back either in a gift card or a Visa gift card. Right. What actually happens here and this is the beauty of using cash back and this is this is backed by thousands of of usages for this on our on our website, 80 50% of the people that initiate back offer don't even do anything with the cash back.
00;11;14;06 - 00;11;44;29
Right. So that's that's money that we've saved instead of giving it away as a discount. 30% actually that cash back in a gift card back to Audrey. Right. And then the other 20% actually redeem it as a as a Visa gift card. So now instead of giving away that 20% right off the bat, you're giving away substantially less amount on cash back because people either don't do anything with it, which is the majority or they end up using it as a as a as a gift card back to the store, which helps with obviously, retention and LTV.
00;11;45;04 - 00;12;08;18
So I think the pop up is great. Does it convert as, as as a $5 off or. Yeah. And the best part is, is that you can you can go even higher on this because of the economics that back out for this. Right. So for example if let's say $1,000 come in my my pop up 20% cash back.
00;12;08;18 - 00;12;40;04
Right. So that's $200 that technically should be redeemed for cash back. $100 of it doesn't even go anywhere. 30. So what's about the card right now? $60 goes back to the store as a as a credit and then the other $40 goes back in a Visa gift card. So instead of $200 being discounted and it's gone, I'm only my cost is $40.
00;12;40;06 - 00;13;04;24
And you see what saying? Yeah. So now if you actually increase the offer, you could actually get away with saying get $10 cash back. Right. So instead of instead of $10 gone right off the bat, you're really only losing $2 and it's even less than the $5. So the pop ups and everything I, I urge people to kind of go in and check up on do it's great.
00;13;04;26 - 00;13;33;22
You know, it's it's great for the pop up promo we've been testing it on instead of sitewide we do sitewide cashback so we can go even more aggressive on it. So like, typically we don't do like 30% off. Like that's a Black Friday deal. I could do 30% cash back and I know that only 20% of the people are actually going to claim something that's going to come out of my pocket versus the other 80% are not doing anything or they're a gift card back to me.
00;13;33;24 - 00;13;59;06
So I think that's I think that's something to consider and AB test to definitely check that out. So what's next for the learning page? What would you recommend doing differently than the product page? Because we're actually working on it now and I'm curious to know what you think we should focus on. Yeah, so tell me, tell me what the structure you guys are building right now for Carla.
00;13;59;09 - 00;14;22;16
landing page for now. It's like the main page, like reviews. Then it's here. I'm going to put it on like, drop them. I'm going to, like, put on the screen, but I can just tell you what we have for now. I think you're going to take over. Yes. I'm not going to share it because it's only like, okay, got it, Got it.
00;14;22;18 - 00;14;43;07
It's kind of like a thing with like full comments and stuff, but. Got it. Yeah. So is it more like a the better form, A little bit like the first page on the homepage. We're going to have to change that. Then it says Trust the reviews and then we have the main benefits. So protein, carbs, sugar, then five reasons why you should eat it.
00;14;43;10 - 00;15;17;16
Then we have like three reviews. Then we have a table comparing us to our third and competition and more reviews. Main ingredients product, short product flavors, social. And then we have three, three different options. We have the basic body bag, we have best best value, and then we have the most popular like three different buckets. And that's pretty much it.
00;15;17;19 - 00;15;48;27
Got it. So for landing pages, I think the biggest thing for me has always been I think the big thing that moves the needle is genuinely the offer, right? We've tested a bunch of different structures, we've tested listicles, we've tested long form landing pages, which is what it sounds like you're creating out. The the copy of the page is what drives imagery, also very much drives a lot of of what builds into the conversion rate.
00;15;48;29 - 00;16;07;24
So when when I look at this is I look at the flow of things, right. So you take a look at obvious obvious landing pages. You kind of have your your above the fold, right. What we were talking about on your homepage, literally telling them what this product is right off the bat. Right. So like for us, one of our taglines is the tasting collagen protein, right?
00;16;07;24 - 00;16;26;22
So now you know you're coming in. Okay, this is a flavored collagen taste. Good. Let me learn more about it. Right? Then we kind of go into, why? Why people want or why people should take all of it, right? So your whole thing here is, yeah, you had the US versus them, but I would want to, like, drive that home, right?
00;16;26;22 - 00;16;50;25
Like, why did we make this product? Why should you care about the product? Right? And the whole thing here is high protein, low sugar, low, right. What are, what are some of the the health sorry, what are some of the the what's the word I guess what are some of the cons of eating some of these Pop-Tart. Right.
00;16;50;25 - 00;17;08;18
Like it's tough to to go up and say like, hey, these Pop-Tarts suck, take this instead. But you should explain that, right? Why is high sugar bad for you? Why? Why should you be switching to a high protein diet? What are some of the benefits of switching to a high protein diet? Right. Then you can get into the the gist of things.
00;17;08;18 - 00;17;36;02
Right? Your macros were ten grams of protein, one grams sugar, six carbs, the US versus them. Take a look at us versus a Pop-Tart. Right. They have little or no for me. For you. Okay. There you go. So, yeah this is it. There you go. Yeah. Try variety pack third. And so that was good. Got social proof on top.
00;17;36;06 - 00;18;01;05
The only thing, like I said. There were three entrees on the top headline. Yeah, I love I love the header. The announcement bar up to 50% off the free shipping. Got the count down the CTA. You got your macros I read. I love this. The five reasons why so good. So now here's here's the thing. Okay? And I think you're doing a really good job at this, which is how much do you cost against apartheid?
00;18;01;09 - 00;18;24;07
If I can go get a Pop-Tart, a whole pack, I'm sure maybe you could tell me what, like, what does it cost me to get a Pop-Tart? Yeah, it's dirt cheap. It's like, for what's right. And for you guys, it's obviously a lot more. Right. So how can you showcase that? How can you how can you, I guess, back up that price and this is the way to do it, right?
00;18;24;09 - 00;18;47;23
Here's Five reasons why. So I think it scroll up a little bit more. Yeah, five reasons why I feel an awful lot of stuff. I think this is I think this is good. I think I would also ab test the section where it kind of talks towards how you combat the price a little bit subconsciously, right? So I'm not looking at this.
00;18;47;25 - 00;19;04;11
So I don't think like we don't want to go for the Pop-Tarts audience in the first place, like going into ads, like we want to target people who are looking to like, you know, people who are the fitness people are into like healthy lifestyles just because, like, the person who's going to buy a Pop-Tart is not going to buy a thing.
00;19;04;13 - 00;19;34;13
Yeah, no, I think that that makes sense because those that I think this section is great, right? I think scroll down to the number for each other protein. Okay. So I think one thing here is when I was taking a look at, the website, right, you have three boxes, 12, 12 of them, right. That's how much I'm getting for 30 bucks.
00;19;34;16 - 00;19;54;02
So I think one thing that you can do instead of doing like okay, price per serving, which would kind of be a lot and a little offputting considering like you said, you can get the alternative which is a lot less. I think what I would do here is maybe price per, I think kind of beat me to it.
00;19;54;05 - 00;20;16;00
Price like literally price per grams of protein. Right. And I think that's probably one of the biggest things here where you can you can actually showcase the value right where, you know, you're a little bit more expensive. But if if if I say like, okay, well, price for protein is X and like the price per protein on the alternative is a lot higher technically because they have no protein in it, then that is where you would buy it.
00;20;16;00 - 00;20;43;06
So I think that I think that's a really solid can you go girl? But yeah, I think that's a great way to showcase the value of price. Yeah, it's like when people consider things like they should comparison, like a protein bar over and over thoughts, you know, just because it's not in the same category, I would say, Well, do you have are you compare yourself in the US versus them to maybe some of the top protein bars.
00;20;43;08 - 00;21;03;13
No, we don't. We really compare ourselves to toaster pastries. Yeah. So possibly see, you know, take a look at some of the top performing protein bars that do have that high brand affinity. And I think that's where you can, like you said, if you're going up against the protein bars, it's a good way to. Do it there. I think the rest are great.
00;21;03;18 - 00;21;33;16
I think the ingredients are perfect. Meet the flavors. This very much gives me magic spoon vibes, which I love because social's now or we're going to have more options here but it's still a drop. But yeah. All right. So the one thing that I've experimented with is our offer, and I'm constantly experimenting with the offer right now. If you're going to go back and, you're going to start running ads.
00;21;33;18 - 00;21;51;12
You know, obviously you're making Ryan Page to run on ads to when coming up with an offer. The biggest thing here is to really understand your economics right? You know, we've done certain things. We're like, all right, let's do a bundle and save some free gifts, right where it's kind of like, all right, this looks like a good offer.
00;21;51;12 - 00;22;09;13
But we never really backed out, looked at the numbers. Right. One of the biggest things here is that what you should be doing is what is your goal, Right? Are you trying to be profitable on the first order or are you just to break even? Are you okay with being, you know, just a little under losing a little bit on each order?
00;22;09;13 - 00;22;30;24
Right. That is where you have to understand what your goal is here and work backwards. Right. So we can toss up a million offers a different buy boxes or whatever it is. And that's where I think you can really understand. You should understand what your numbers are, right? So I'll give you an example from our from our end, one bottle of our apologetic burn is 3999.
00;22;30;26 - 00;22;54;06
Our colleagues are, $5 shipping is another $6 transaction fees and whatever else that kind of goes into that. Right. I'm basically getting out what is my net profit after all my fees. Right? And I know that number is going to be my allowable CPA to break even. Right? So the way that I look at it is really a new customer realized.
00;22;54;06 - 00;23;20;07
So I'm taking MSP divided by net profit and that will give me well, my break even point is a 1.5, right? Or my CPA or allowable CPA is $25 so that when I'm actually running the ads, I know where I fall on either being profitable, break even or losing a little bit. Right? So when crafting these offers together, a lot of people don't realize it's like, well, I want to bundle and save and I want to and I want to get people to buy more.
00;23;20;09 - 00;23;42;00
But technically, if you are discounting, there is a delicate balance between discounting a lot and how much it will actually take to break even on Big bundle. Right. A lot of people will save on buying more, but you actually have to work harder at converting better to actually break even more. So that's one thing to consider. I do like doing offers in threes, right?
00;23;42;01 - 00;24;04;01
And I think the reason is I like to price anchor a lot of things. I always start with my highest priced bundle first, go for the second highest and the lowest. I think if anybody is doing something like this where it's like a one month, three months, six months supply or it is try price anchoring, kind of swap it around, you want to kind of start off high.
00;24;04;03 - 00;24;23;16
You people be like, shit, okay, this is, you know, $100, it's hundred $50. Then going down to the $80 option, then going down to the $40 option, which you end up seeing happen is that and we've tested this, we've tested this, both sides where we put low to high, high to low kind of low increased conversion rate and increase the AOB, which is crazy.
00;24;23;19 - 00;24;40;23
So for people who are kind of like in the chat and you have a test, this test is up so I'll give you some I'll give you the suggestion that that's the way that I would do it and go high to low. One of the biggest things here is that if you are bundling, showcasing the price per serving that you're getting, for us it's supply, right?
00;24;40;23 - 00;24;59;14
So price per day, that's that's one way to kind of differentiate the value on everything. There are a couple other things that you can kind of add in here is the free shipping, right? So if only certain bundles of the certain high priced bundles will only get free shipping, right? So you're kind of making that offer a little bit more incentivizing.
00;24;59;16 - 00;25;20;09
One thing that I haven't tested yet, which I'm really keen on doing, is testing cashback offers here so I can get a little bit more aggressive where like get 50% cash back right now. Imagine being like, I'm getting $100 cash back. Great. But now going back to the metrics, 50% of the don't do shit with it. So now I'm like stacking cash on this.
00;25;20;09 - 00;25;43;16
And, you know, that's one idea we haven't tested yet. But if you guys are looking into phone, do I think I would I would try that Yeah I think I think the buy box offer here is is very crucial. Make sure you understand your numbers. Make sure that you are your are going to like 15% like have you done like 15% off versus like free shipping if it's the same value.
00;25;43;17 - 00;26;04;28
What's more like powerful? I think see, that's the thing. You have to test it. It's very you don't know here's here's actually something really surprising is that I used to give free gifts with my order. Right. And that was just something I blanketly I just did always I never really thought about it. I said I it fits the unique economics and break even.
00;26;04;28 - 00;26;25;22
At this point, I'm happy that I was like, wait, what if I don't even offer the free gifts and just offer a discount? Right? And so we ran an a, B test. The revenue perception ended up coming down just a little bit naturally, because there's there's no free gifts. But it wasn't enough to actually justify me giving free gifts.
00;26;25;25 - 00;26;47;22
The order. Right? So moral of the story is definitely test everything, but make sure when you are testing it, you are loading down. All right. Well, my break even point, I'm 50% off is x my breaking point on offering free shipping is why what's the better deal for my unit economics and against each other? Where does possession actually net out to That one is better than the other.
00;26;47;26 - 00;27;06;24
So that's when it comes to offer creation. Literally on a spreadsheet. Just come up with all the offers you possibly can write one box three, box ten, box 20, like whatever it is. And when you are running ads, what I do is I do a redirect test using Google optimize, which I'm fortunate to have. The final solution, but I'm not.
00;27;06;25 - 00;27;28;24
I'm basically just splitting the traffic. It's called traffic, right? I'm always looking at new users that are coming across the landing pages. The landing page is the same. The only that's different is the offer and I'm trying to see what ends up being the the offer that produces the highest revenue possession for me and something that aligns with my business goals of being profitable, the first order or breaking even.
00;27;28;26 - 00;27;55;25
Okay, cool. One more question for you. When it comes to like advertisement, which channels do you think are going to work best for a brand like things? Yeah, I mean, I think I think you kind of have understand where do you net out on an AOB level, right? I think Matt is still king. I think meta is great for, for volume.
00;27;55;27 - 00;28;17;27
I think it is very difficult for brands that have an AOP under $50 at scale. So if you find that you can four and somehow get into that $70 region for AOB, great. Then I think, I think you go, you go heavy on matter and then start looking at other platforms like Google then Tik Tok and what have you.
00;28;17;29 - 00;28;45;25
One thing that I think Magic Spoon has done really well and even other very lifestyle based companies is going to be influencer marketing. One of the biggest things that we're doing now, especially coming into the summer, is how can we announce our and we're also launching in Walmart and the end of August. So how can I get a lot of people seemingly using RV And that's through influencer marketing, influencer seeding, right?
00;28;45;27 - 00;29;03;17
So what I would do is right off the bat before you even launch, I think I think this would be a great product to seed to people because one can try it, They'll get the reaction. They love it. Great. So our whole process to seeding is we have a couple of to the office. You can get a VA, you can do whatever you need to do.
00;29;03;20 - 00;29;25;13
Basically out to as many influencers as you possibly can. Right. Don't don't get too picky about what their followers look like. This is not like what advocate like they look like. They kind of would enjoy the product. Great, because this seems like, you know, must be a suitable message, whether it's DM or email and say, Hey, really love your content.
00;29;25;15 - 00;29;45;15
We're coming out with this this product. I think you would really enjoy it. I want to send it to you free of charge. No, no strings attached. Just want to get feedback on it. Let me know what you think about the taste. What you'll end up seeing is bout like 30 to 40% of people respond. Be like, Yeah, sure, I'll try it, get their address, send them a little package.
00;29;45;15 - 00;30;08;24
Right. What we do is we send like a handwritten note saying like, Hey, thank you for giving us a shot. Let us know what you think. Right. So excited to hear. We like some of the package, the cost of us sending this stuff is just cogs and shipping. Okay? These guys will get the product. They'll try it. They're just going to try it if they like it, even if they like like just a little bit, they like it.
00;30;08;27 - 00;30;34;29
These guys are going to post on their socials without even being asked to write. That one is content for you that you can kind of take off, you know, stories or posts or whatever it is that content is for you, right? And you know, that cost to you cogs in shipping. Okay. Now the people that end up posting can actually be the ones that may be people that you can bring in to like an affiliate program.
00;30;35;03 - 00;30;49;19
Really? Hey, we saw that you liked it is there any feedback for us? We don't mind anymore. Hey, why don't we work out something where we can work together, right? For sure. One thing that I see brands doing wrong is that when they get to this point, they're saying, Hey, I'll give you 10% commission on sales you bring in.
00;30;49;21 - 00;31;15;07
That's not going to get anybody excited for us. A break even point on our product is a 1.5 new customer, ROAS. So if I'm selling a hundred on a product, that means that I have an allowable CPA of $66. Okay. I don't know the economics for you guys are, but what I offer influencers and this is what gets them excited is, Hey, I'm not going to give you some bullshit ten 15%.
00;31;15;07 - 00;31;49;02
I give you 50% commission on anything that you bring in. Okay. For me, 50% commission means to return. I'm still profitable on a first order, so this gets excited. This gets them excited to post as often as they possibly can, because the more they post, the more sales are, the generate more commission that they get right. So instead of paying the upfront cost of like, well, $1,000 for a real I want $2,000 for Instagram post and what $500 for a story bucket like they going to be down for that like 40 50% commission and let them let them rip it.
00;31;49;08 - 00;32;22;24
Right. And so that's how I would start. That's how I would start here. Any brand, honestly, starting out from scratch like it's going to it's going to cost a lot to learn on matter, which unless you have the money in the to just kind of test and blow thousands too, to really understand what's going on. Influencer marketing is the cheapest way to really get content and to get organic reach and to at least get you started so that you can now start using that content on better ads, start using the content everywhere else, even on your own, or landing pages on your own, your home page.
00;32;23;01 - 00;32;46;18
Having that social proof is crucial. So I think also I'm just curious, like you guys use any software to find influencers or is it just organically? Yeah, so it's a little bit of both. So right now it's we use this platform called Incense. They have a really good big database for, for, for influencers, easy to search and just gift and just seed.
00;32;46;18 - 00;33;07;27
Right. On the other hand, we're also just reaching out to people that kind of come up on our radar. We're searching hashtags, we're searching videos on TikTok, right? So like our recipes for this and whoever's posting that, one of the biggest things is once you start finding some influencers that you like and that you find have done well for you, they start posting for you.
00;33;07;27 - 00;33;32;04
That's not going looking at who they're following because they're most likely people similar to them. And so that in itself just becomes as web you go into their following and then they're following. Yeah, exactly. And so you'll find you'll find similar people to them. So yeah, if you can if you use a platform, that's great. It's intense and just, you know, organically who kind of pops up.
00;33;32;04 - 00;34;05;07
And what we do is we try to reach out to 500 people a week and hope that, you know, a good, good amount of people end up saying, Yeah, we're down to try it and end up posting and that become content for us, organic reach for us. And yeah, Daniel's in the chat. There you go. Yeah, I think I would definitely, definitely work on influencer seeding parallel to also getting our own meetup because organic reach really helps really helps performance are met up to
Join us for the Foreplay Unverified Ad Awards Live Event this February 2025!
Ash is the Co-Founder of Obvi one of the world’s fastest-growing health & nutrition brands. With over 7-figures in monthly ad spend Ash is an expert on eCommerce growth from driving traffic to conversion rate optimization and operational growth.
Your unique chance to be a fly on the wall during a MentorPass session, where Ash provides expert analysis and actionable advice on Ben's website and ad creative. Whether you're a startup entrepreneur or a seasoned marketer, this session is packed with insights on website optimization, ad strategies, and leveraging influencer marketing for brand growth.
Join us for the Foreplay Unverified Ad Awards Live Event this February 2025!