AI Storyboard & Brief Builder Icon

AI Briefs

Ad Briefs & Storyboards for Marketers

Are you tired of manual ad briefs & storyboard creation? Foreplay lets you transform your ad inspiration into actionable ad briefs & storyboards.

Why do you need a Creative Brief?

Stop spending time with multiple docs, slide shows, and sheets. AI Brief Generator allows you to create a predictable and scalable creative pipeline.


After Foreplay

Scale Output with AI

Scaling your creative process is a prerequisite to scaling performance. AI Briefs is the singular tool to that enables creativity and growth to co-exist.

  • make versions and itterations of your ads

    Iterate with Velocity

    Easily create multiple versions of a brief to split-test your hooks, call-to-actions and more.

  • manage a successful campaign for multiple brands

    Manage Multiple Brands

    Build brand profiles with specific details including colors, fonts, brand guidelines and more.

  • Add deadlines to your creative brief

    Never Miss a Deadline

    Assign due dates and manage work-back schedules for your creative briefing process.

  • save time outlining creative asset deliverables

    Dynamic Deliverables

    Easily build out creative deliverables for your creative assets.

Your Creative Brief Co-Pilot

Eliminate the laborious parts of pre-production and let your creativity run wild with an AI co-pilot to generate scripts, iterations, and sketches.

"If you're not using Foreplay briefs then you're already behind. What used to be the most daunting process for our team is now the most seamless. We have been building a Swipe File for months now and this is by far the easiest way to turn that inspiration into action from our creatives. "
Kevin Sussat
Founder @ Envu Media

Production that’s way more Productive

Purpose-built for performance marketing, Foreplay briefs is the most organized way for creatives teams to communicate.

attach facebook or tiktok ad inspiration

Attach Inspiration

Include examples from your competitors or your own ads.

bulk add brand details to your brief

Brand Profiles

Inject reusable brand information with a single click.

creative brief template items you can add to your living document

Modular Brief Editor

Add pre-built content block your creative project needs.

easily share an ad example with multiple output formats

Export Everywhere

Export your brief, storyboard or script to PDF, Sheets & More.

build a creative brief template for your creative teams

Creative Brief Template

Craft and manage reusable templates and script formats.

internal team or freelancer sharing through simple links

Easily Share with Anyone

Share links for a client, project manager or team member.

storyboard ai icon

Storyboard AI

Automatic Storyboards, built for marketers

An intuitive step-by-step flow to create and iterate storyboards with informative visuals that creatives understand.

screenshot of the ai briefs story board product dragging a scene around
Drag & Drop Layout
Table View
Script Editor
AI Generative Images
re-write ad copy to fit your marketing strategy

Regenerate Versions

Unlock new ideas for hooks, CTAs and more with AI.

Add visual scene descriptions to your AI storyboard

Scene Descriptions

Detailed action descriptions for each scene in your storyboard.

Include text overlay on video to communicate with potential customers

Converting Text Overlay

Generate performance-focused text-on-screen.

Creators uploading their video or image to the brief

Collect Assets

Manage creative asset submissions from one or many.

translate storyboard copy with AI


Version your script or AI storyboard into 150+ languages.

agency branded storyboards

Branded Brief Pages

Customize your share pages with agency branding and point of contact.

"Game changer x100! They have thought of everything in this product, It feels like Foreplay briefs were built specifically for us. Simply just the brand profiles plus storyboarding tool is well worth the cost and the AI features are the most blissful icing on the cake."
Allan Porter
Founder @ Porter Media

The Creative Strategy Stack

Unlock your Winning Ad Workflow

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Unlimited Usage
Expert Support

Build Better Briefs

Use an ad brief to generate momentum across your marketing team while maintaining quality and brand image.

Frequently Asked Questions

What inputs can I control when using the AI script writer?

The AI script writing tool works on a complex prompt in the background. As an end user, you can influence prompting the product name, company name, target audience and language.

Where does this tool fit into the design process?

Depending on the side of your marketing team, a creative brief will often be written by a media buyer, creative strategist or account manager. Once the messaging and creative strategy has been outlined in the creative brief, it is sent off to the designer, video editor or UGC creator to produce the final product.

What are the most important things I should include in my creative brief?

Brand Guidelines & Details, Company's background, Target Audience, Project Goals, Ad Script, Storyboard, Visual References, Due Date, Campaign goals

How can an advertising agency use the AI Brief Builder?

Managing creative client briefs can become a massive time suck. We usually see a project manager or account manager sharing the brief with clients before going to production to ensure alignment before creative work begins. Having organized review stages also helps manage expectations among your clients.

What makes an effective creative brief?

At its core, a good creative brief should be a central source for your creative director, creative strategist, media buyer, and creative team to get on the same page. This means including all the key information, assets, and direction into a living document that clearly outlines the desired outcome.

More than Briefs & Storyboards

AI Brief Builder helps you turn your ideas into an actionable creative workflow or marketing campaign. Unlock endless ideas and competitor research with the full creative strategy stack.