Composed for

beginners & professionals

Anatomy of an AdTrax

Effortlessly cut your content to a track

Timelines to shoot, edit, and launch new ads are tighter than ever before and music is usually an afterthought. With AdTrax we flip this process on its head, enabling you to start with pre-built, professional sound design & music in the simplicity of a single audio file.

00:30 Version
00:15 Version
00:05 Version

3 Layers

in a single track

Music Bed

Music composed to evoke a specific type of mood or genre that is in alignment with the ad type.

Sound Design

Swooshes, hits, etc to motivate the cuts and pacing of the video ad.

Branded Elements

All tracks come with Logo bumpers, sound hooks and more intended to be mix and matched.

The perfect

songs for your ...

Facebook Ads
Instagram Ads
TikTok Ads
LinkedIn Ads
YouTube Ads
Micro Content
Product Promo Videos
Montage Videos

Organized Library

Ready to Download

Why did we make


Zachary Murray

Starting my career as a video editor and motion designer, I always wanted my work to look, feel and sound like a commercial. Even if it was a simple Instagram post. Unfortunately, most projects don't have time or budget for professional sound design.

After editing hundreds of ads and micro content I found myself always searching for the perfect bits of stock music that hook, and end at the perfect time-codes.

Out of curiosity I decided to create AdTrax.

Now that we are building Foreplay to help brand owners and agencies manage their entire creative process I wanted to give this library away for free.
