Aaron J. Nosbisch, Founder of Lucyd, the largest cannabis social advertising agency in the world and BRĒZ a next-gen cannabis & mushroom infused social tonic is an entrepreneur, investor, and adventurer who has co-founded numerous endeavors while driving hundreds of millions in revenue for his projects and clients, all the while traveling the world.
99% of people think you can’t run Cannabis ads on Meta, and the remaining 1% are scaling wildly profitable campaigns. In this Cannabis advertising masterclass, Aaron is going to walk you through the exact compliance checklist his team is using to scale BREZ to 6-Figures per month in their first year, and the ad frameworks they use to produce and iterate profitable ads on meta (with some pretty shocking creative examples as well)
00:00:00:00 - 00:00:29:19
what's going on, everybody. Welcome to the third edition of Wordplay Fireside this year. We definitely have a super interesting one today. I've known Aaron for a while now and he's like building one. He's building an amazing agency. Lucid is like figured out how to advertise a lot of the things that a lot of us think that we can't advertise on Facebook and don't like a ton of just like knowledge and expertise around that, which I'm excited for him to share.
00:00:30:00 - 00:00:54:20
But on the other side, he's definitely eating his own dogfood with NYC Breeze, which is actually an amazing product. Unfortunately, I can't get it here in Canada, but I've tried it three or four times now while I'm in the US and it's like for me, like alcohol's always been something like, okay, it's definitely cooling socially, but I can definitely feel the impacts in my life and it's like an amazing alcohol alternative.
00:00:54:20 - 00:01:16:14
Like it's not one of these things that people just like talk about when you drink it and it doesn't do anything. Yeah, pretty much what they say it does. It's it's an amazing product. And so they're scaling that company incredibly fast and asking it to jump into it or super transparent with numbers, everything like that. Yeah. Without further ado, I'm going to bring on Aaron and he's going to take it away.
00:01:16:16 - 00:01:34:00
As always, if you have any questions along the way, definitely leave them in the chat. And we have Q&A after. And so we'll be sifting through all the questions and making sure we get them all answered. Yeah, I'm going to bring on Aaron now and I'll see you guys at the end. What's up? Hey, guys. Good to see everyone.
00:01:34:01 - 00:01:48:03
Jack, thanks for the intro. Like, if you guys can hear me. All right, give me, like, a thumbs up or a yes or something in the chat. Let's make sure that this thing's wrong. I'm going to make sure that this is a cool. I see you, Gary. There. Thank you. Cool. It sounds like you guys are having a great.
00:01:48:05 - 00:02:09:09
What's up? My name's Aaron. Aaron, I am the founder and CEO of Breeze, which maybe you guys has heard of. If you haven't, I'll let you know about it shortly. And then I'm also the founder of Lucid. I was CEO there, but now not my buddy and partner, Robin, to see there. And so today I'm going to tell you guys about what you're most interested in so I can tell you about the journey.
00:02:09:09 - 00:02:23:07
A breeze. If you want to hear about the journey, a breeze and tell you about how to advertise CBD and THC, or we can try to do all of it. But before we do it again, Zac has some really cool tools and this little presentation thing for. So for example, let's see if we can start with these tools.
00:02:23:07 - 00:02:46:21
So are you located in the US or Canada? There should be a poll that just started me Seattle Give that. This is so cool. So cool, cool, cool. Okay, mostly us cool. That's super helpful. All right, let's try another one. Have you ever tried to advertise THC before? I think we just started the poll. Maybe I didn't start that game.
00:02:47:00 - 00:02:52:20
If I don't start that one, can you start?
00:02:52:22 - 00:03:18:08
No. Okay, Let's assume you did try to advertise it. Did you get banned when you tried to advertise? Yeah. So that sucks. I'll show you how to fix that. No, I'm a pro. Hell, yeah. So you pros out there. Good deal. Good deal. Okay. Okay, good. Let's try a little more. Stop that. So one question I have for you guys today is, do you want to know more about Breeze or do you want to know more about a THC and CBD advertising?
00:03:18:10 - 00:03:47:15
More about THC and CBD advertising? Okay, a little bit both. I get you both. So not big deal. I'm curious what you're most interested in. Okay. Okay. Okay, cool. Looks like we can talk about THC and CBD advertising more. Okay. Hi. That should be able to go away now. Cool. Okay, I guess. Okay, cool. And let me see if I can share my screen so you can see my screen here.
00:03:47:17 - 00:04:12:17
Direct? Yep. Great. I can try one more. I'm going to share this tab instead. And this started over here. Okay. I have to call you guys and see me. All right? So it's super cool. So let's go ahead, jump in. The presentation is a little weird because I have to kind of put it on the side like this, so I'm going to make it as big as I can.
00:04:12:17 - 00:04:27:11
If you can't see it, throw it in chat, and then I'm gonna pull up chat on the side so that we can talk about it. But first and foremost, what you advertise literally changes the world. Whether it's for the better or worse is your decision. This is one of my favorite quotes, probably my favorite quote, because I'm the one who wrote it.
00:04:27:13 - 00:04:48:22
But the general idea here is like, I guess we don't people don't realize how powerful of a tool meta advertising actually is. You know, we're since being very little money relative to the amount of attention that we're getting for these advertisements. And when we sell these products, whether it's THC, CBD, cannabis, hemp. Lion's mane or see, it doesn't really matter.
00:04:49:01 - 00:05:06:17
Socks, you're changing, you're changing the world, you're changing people's lives. And it's really important that you realize that in this process and that you're not just carelessly using these weapons, these tools of mass power, that we have been lucky enough to be born into and become experts at. So I'm just be very mindful that teach you these strategies.
00:05:06:17 - 00:05:23:11
I'm going to give you tips and tricks on how to do things that other people can't do. And when I do so, I want to make sure that you use those effectively and wisely. So I trust you're going to So I'm going to talk about the conscious compound revolution, cannabis, adaptogen psychedelics and ecom and how to advertise them.
00:05:23:11 - 00:05:42:13
Sounds like the most interested here. So first off, what are conscious compounds? So I always I think this is funny. I mean, getting drunk is like borrowing happiness from tomorrow. You know, No one is like drinking alcohol. I'm like, I'm going to feel fucking awesome tomorrow. Like, it's usually the exact opposite. I'm going to feel like trash and and I'm going to want to.
00:05:42:15 - 00:06:01:17
And so I can say that a net negative compound is inversely I would consider conscious compounds or therapeutic compounds that lead to a net positive returns. They're generative and give more than they take, such as CBD, hemp, adaptogenic, mushrooms. So I would say conscious compounds of these compounds that leave you to feeling better when you're done using them.
00:06:01:22 - 00:06:20:08
Vitamin C is an obvious one are vitamins, but electrolytes, but also CBD, adaptogens, functional mushrooms, etc. So the entire CPG and DTC game will be impacted by this conscious compounds over the next few years. It's already started, I'm sure you guys are seeing and I'm sure some of you guys are in the business, but it's already started. You see it for brands like this.
00:06:20:08 - 00:06:41:13
This is Apples, which is a liquor replacement with a hemp derived liquor bottle that uses CBD. This is recess of very big brands. You probably see at your local stores that use CBD. They use magnesium, they use adaptogens, like failing to create unique, positive relaxing effects. This is mind blowing mindfulness literally ships you ketamine, which is just insane.
00:06:41:15 - 00:07:03:10
And they use that ketamine in order to help treat depression as well as other things. So you can see psychedelics now becoming due to SmartWater is in the game, which is owned by Coca-Cola. They sell Tranquility Blend that uses that feeling in others. Taps has a THC beverage. Coca Cola wife is her adaptogenic centric drink. So you can see this is already starting to change our society.
00:07:03:12 - 00:07:19:06
But before we get too much more into how we go about advertising this, who am I and who is lucid? And I'll tell you about who is breathes as well and process. I'm and I've been enough for newer investor venture for a very long time. My wife's a travel writer by trade so I'm on the road with her.
00:07:19:08 - 00:07:36:09
I'm on the road with her a lot. So we travel around the world. I build coal companies for my computer and I do and I do that. So my two main companies is Lucid, which is the largest cannabis advertising firm in the world. Now we do 30% of all social media ads for cannabis brands, whether it's CBD, THC, etc. also loves Adaptogens.
00:07:36:09 - 00:07:57:14
We also do some the psychedelic like this ketamine. And then I'll send in the founder of Freeze. And so I'm the CEO. And so breeze is a the cannabis and mushrooms and they can it's the fastest growing cannabis beverage in the world. The third largest online and we're growing it rapidly, experiencing massive growth. We did 1.3 million in our first nine months of business.
00:07:57:14 - 00:08:16:12
We did our 1 to 2 million the next 45 days. I mean, 640 last month. We're on track probably for like 750 this month, so maybe even a little higher. So we'll see it. And so it's growing very, very quickly. So these are the type of clients we advertise for. You probably know some big ones like Martha Stewart, Cheech and Chong or Joan Charlotte's Web.
00:08:16:14 - 00:08:42:05
So it okay. And that's cool. But you can't advertise CBD on Facebook. It's against medical policy. The reality is it is possible. You simply need to understand the policy and how to innovate upon it. So something I kind of think about this, it's like I want to teach you about principles in this call. If you understand principles rather than tactics, then you're going to understand not just how to advertise in THC, but whatever you want to advertise and that's what really matters here, is really understand those principles.
00:08:42:05 - 00:09:01:13
So the principles to understand first and foremost is there's two ways anyway. One is you throw out all the rules. This is what most innovators do. They don't listen to the rules. They make their own rules. The other way to innovate is what politicians do. This is where they really understand the existing laws that are in place or the existing policy that are in place when it comes to an advertising platform.
00:09:01:17 - 00:09:16:14
And then once they really understand the rules, they create new rules on top of them that are very important. You need to know what the current you need to know how to play soccer. If you want to build a new game on top of it or if you want to change the regulations. And so you got to know the rules in order to build new rules.
00:09:16:16 - 00:09:34:24
So first off, here's some examples of some ads. So these are we've changed how we do advertising lately. I'm going to show you both how we've done it in the past and then how we're doing it right now in a post ad library. So you can see, but you can see this is an ad from Joy Organics. The ad literally says CBD in it both here and here and talks now.
00:09:35:02 - 00:09:54:24
What's kind of interesting about this is there's no actual product promotion happening here. This is an educational ad about CBD that's leading to additional information. I can tell with a more depth there in a moment. But it's not just so I want to point out, though, it's possible and it's profitable. We spend way more money than this at way higher robustness than this.
00:09:54:24 - 00:10:20:05
But just to get an idea, this is 473,000 at a 4.6, whereas this is 216,000 at a 4.02 from two different accounts. I mean, these numbers are kind of embarrassing these days. We've scale six brands by 659% on average in the last six months just alone, which took brands from 50000 to 600000. So essentially like three time six at and we're doing it regularly.
00:10:20:07 - 00:10:38:15
Hemp derived THC sells a lot better than CBD, as I can assure you can imagine. So so how do you get the keys? Compliance. You need a deep and clear understanding of the existing compliance regulations across the governing bodies. The primary governing body here is Meta or Google or whoever you're advertising on and then it's the FDA and the FTC.
00:10:38:19 - 00:10:59:24
What you need to know about the FDA is that you can't treat, cure or fix diseases or things like that. So you can't say that you're going to fix anxiety. You can't say that you're going to cure some depression or fix insomnia. You can't say that you can relieve someone's stress, that you can calm their nerves, so you can help them relax, that you can help them feel euphoric.
00:11:00:05 - 00:11:18:21
These are not disease claims. These are like positive mood, therapeutic suggestions. So that's something to be mindful of Innovation. Once you understand the rules, you have the opportunity to innovate upon them. We talked about that a moment ago and then platform support. Each platform is there. There's a supporting representative whose purpose is to help you spend more money on their platform.
00:11:18:21 - 00:11:39:06
So many of you guys know this. This is not marketing reps at Facebook. I'm talking more so about the actual agency reps of Facebook or agency reps at Google or reps at TikTok, wherever it might be. And these guys want you to spend more money. They are on your side. So you want to align with this platform, support a lot of people who don't have support.
00:11:39:07 - 00:11:54:19
You're like, if I don't have rep support, I'm just kind of out and I don't really play the game. That's not true. There's there's a live chat support. I'm sure many of you guys are familiar with that. If someone has a link to live chat, go ahead and drop it into the chat. I'll share a little later.
00:11:54:19 - 00:12:14:16
But business dot Facebook dot com slash help. There's a live chat there. Not every profile has it, but many profiles do. So you want to get platform support. Remember that these companies want you to spend on the platform. Okay. So here is an example of the CBD and hemp policy at Meta. It's changed a little bit, but I want to show you a couple of things in here that are that are curious.
00:12:14:18 - 00:12:36:16
Advertise yours. So this is all saying no, no, you can't advertise, CBD can advertise TBD CBD. Then what this says is advertisers may promote informational articles about on CBD products. So that's one we can we can promote information about CBD products. Okay. Ads are informative of the benefits of a specific CBD or ingestible hemp product can direct to websites with additional information.
00:12:36:16 - 00:12:55:03
Super important. So if their ads are informative of the benefits of a specific CBD product, then you can get additional information. So it's important about this is this is if we want to say CBD and the ad itself, Okay. And this is a bunch of stuff saying what's not allowed. But then here's what is a lab sale or non ingestible hemp.
00:12:55:03 - 00:13:20:15
This changed recently. All hemp products are now allowed it now that's not the same as CBD or THC products, but all hemp products are allowed now and then. News articles on CBD in our lab. So I'm going to pull up and make this a little bit more live as we do this. But here's the current hemp policy at Meta should be pulling up free now.
00:13:20:21 - 00:13:58:08
crap. This link to so just threw that in shot. So this is okay. So we allowed for CBD related products for the following premise you must have. So there's the new policies that say that if you get a legit script requirement that you can then advertise CBD a you don't really need to worry about it. Rigid script is this third party company that can allow you to create a certification for your company, but they only issue certifications for topical products, so you can't really even get it for most approximate proximity, essentially trying to pass off the liability of who can advertise to legit scripts.
00:13:58:10 - 00:14:30:09
That's not really where you really want to look at. What you do want to look at is what you do want to look at is signed. It is it's not really saying you here. There's there's a few different policies you can probably find here. CBD and related policies. Here's the other one I'll drop that in Chad as well.
00:14:30:11 - 00:14:52:18
These are both from meta. There's essentially a policy that was updated that says that you can sell hemp products, advertisers can run ads that promote hemp products in the following jurisdictions and must comply with applicable, localize, required or established industry guidelines. So Canada, Mexico and United States notes that products subject to US policy prescriptions do not apply for more information.
00:14:52:18 - 00:15:13:12
So you can see the full the full policy here. But the general idea is essentially saying that you can advertise hemp products if it uses hemp language or what we do often is not include hemp playing, which I just not much CBD or you can advertise CBD educational ads and guess if you want to use the word CBD.
00:15:13:14 - 00:15:39:15
So like I showed you here, if you want to use the word CBD, it needs to be educational in nature. If you want to advertise a product, it needs to either be references hemp or it needs to be reference as or as or not mentioning. And so this is kind of where we and other people have gone from, like more of the compliance, always really strict about making sure that we're buttoned up and make sure you do everything right to be more of an activist agency in the space.
00:15:39:17 - 00:15:58:22
You know, there's there's a lot of there's a lot of there's a lot of ways to advertise fully compliant to this educational content. But you can also start exploring what the optionality is if you really understand these rules and so I'll show you some of those and in the ads as we go. So what does this policy mean?
00:15:58:23 - 00:16:16:11
You can educate information about CBD or at least additional information. You can advertise hemp topicals. Now, this is all hemp products. Since I made this, I have products that can that utility people use to either use hemp language or or don't have language at all but never received and THC and you can advertise and use the press articles that promotional.
00:16:16:13 - 00:16:34:13
Here's an example of the chat support. I'm going to have this link and send this to you guys. This is thank you. Yeah, we do. I'll tell you about I'll answer your question about Europe in a minute, but we can do it. So this is the Facebook support on this page. There's actually a live chat app. I'll come back to that in a moment.
00:16:34:13 - 00:16:57:20
But sometimes you need that in order to appeal ads that get rejected. This QR code should also take you there so you can see right wrote here your ads will get rejected initially. Often we're sending CBD and THC ads, but if you're following the rules that I laid out so far that you just need to submit an appeal through live chat and or through any contact that you have or the contact that's on that page, and that will often get it overturned.
00:16:57:22 - 00:17:14:02
So let's get that a little bit. Here's some examples of what those ads look like. This is an ad for Charlotte's Web CBD that we ran. So you can see this is considered educational CBD ad So CBD is an easy way to keep the mind clear and throughout the day learn more about the benefits of introducing CBD in daily life here.
00:17:14:06 - 00:17:33:20
How to get rid of brain fog with CBD. So notice the key factors here. This is educational about KDB. It's not promoting any specific product. It is running from the brand that even says Charlotte's Web CBD, but it's not actually showing the physical product. This is the landing page that that drives to. You'll see here this is I'll show you these on my show.
00:17:33:20 - 00:17:54:15
Yes, MADD libraries. But this is hosted on a subdomain initially. That's just an article here, How to get rid of brain fog, not promotional product, just educating like a listicle about the product. And then you learn more and then that learn more can go to your homepage or to your product page, what have you. So I'll show you some real time examples in ad Library in a moment as well.
00:17:54:17 - 00:18:13:02
Here's another example. This is a hemp. This is topical, but can be any hemp product. So you'll see this is now showing the product and talking about benefits and we're promoting sale of it. You can either use hemp infused topicals, we're using the language hemp, or you can just not include it and just called in use topical and then and then write it that way.
00:18:13:04 - 00:18:31:12
You can see here the landing page as well. This is going directly to the product page that uses hemp language, the landing page that it lands on from this. This is a very important point. The landing page that it lands on from from the ad has to either use hemp language or no hemp language at all. You can't have CBD language, can't have THC language on that landing page.
00:18:31:16 - 00:18:48:24
The page after that can have CBD, THC, or hemp language. And don't worry, if you don't understand, I'm going to show you some real time examples. We'll do some Q&A so you can really get that. This is another example of what's possible. This is the newest kind of example. So you see this ad literally says Marijuana from The Motley Fool.
00:18:49:01 - 00:19:13:05
What does this map mean for marijuana? So this is educational or news related to cannabis, which is why it's allowed. It's not driving the sale of product on. We found the first page that it goes to and it's talking about the 2020 election, the marijuana boom. So that's also compliant news. And then we were talking about ketamine moment and how you would I mean, it's like seems like it'd be so crazy to advertise something like psychedelics on Facebook, but it's actually very possible.
00:19:13:05 - 00:19:33:04
And these are actually super compliant ads. These are not gray area events. Joined 90% of clients reporting improvement anxiety symptoms. After just two sessions of mind, they can say anxiety, even though it's not a lot on the FDA. But ketamine is an FDA approved substance, which is why it's a little a little different here. It's an expert guided, science backed approach to psychedelic therapy.
00:19:33:06 - 00:19:53:13
And so you see here, it's I'll let it start over. My blue and my experience. Your breakthrough, essentially psychedelic medicine is here. This is a live Facebook ad of was animation and science back ketamine therapy. Now sometimes they put words like ketamine not here and not here, but actually in the creative, which makes it a little easier to get approved.
00:19:53:15 - 00:20:13:10
So something to think about relief from anxiety backed by science, and that's going to allay any page like this. Now, what's interesting about this page is it's informational and promotional, but it's not really like selling ketamine. It's more so am I a candidate? That's a call to action for this. So it's essentially a form that qualifies the person for for the product.
00:20:13:12 - 00:20:28:19
So policy at MIT is constantly evolving and this is the current state of game. I'm going to show you a little bit about this, but remember, what you advertise is the world. So when you use these strategies, it's very critical that you that you do so effectively. Okay. So that was fun. And we did the whole presentation thing.
00:20:28:19 - 00:20:53:09
But this is a lot more interesting of what's possible here. So I'm going to pull this out account just to give you some references of what we can do here. So this is an example for Breeze. Cool. So this is breeze. This is a THC CBD in cannabis product, introducing a next gen view social tonic that provides an undeniably euphoric, relieving, inspiring effect you've been waiting for.
00:20:53:15 - 00:21:13:09
So what's the key factor here is I'm promoting the idea of what the product is and what it's doing. But I'm not saying THC CBD or cannabis in this at very, very, very critical. See breathe. Now Creative is a little different. I'll talk about that in a minute. Infused social tonic. Does anyone know what infused product just I mean I do.
00:21:13:11 - 00:21:32:02
I think a lot of people do. What about a micro or this product or what about a, you know, an edible or a gummy? Like there's implications to words that are not necessarily what the words are, and that's how you want to use language on advertising in order to stay compliant. You get these ads live. Now creative is a little different.
00:21:32:06 - 00:21:54:11
Creative, it's a lot easier. You'll see that this is a little low rez, so it's not so obvious, but this dosage in CBD does say cannabis. That's technically not allowed. But because of the angles and the creative, we've been able to get a print. I would suggest not doing that. This goes down most of the time. If they see THC CBD, they have the AI systems that pop it up that you'll get shut down most of time.
00:21:54:17 - 00:22:18:04
But it is possible, especially once you warm up an account and you keep it healthy for a little bit. Okay, so now this is where you need to pay attention. This is kind of how the game works. Breathe. Here's the ad, the creative no mention. This is promotional. I'm showing the product. So this would be what I was calling a hemp that I'm not actually saying hemp, but this is a product and I'm and I'm using no hemp language, no CBD language, no THC language.
00:22:18:09 - 00:22:45:21
I hit shot Now, now you want to look around landing. I'll show this tab instead. Okay. So you guys can't see my domain, but I'm going to drop the link of this page so you can check it out. Trade out drink briefs, dot com slash FBI. So what's interesting about that is I hosted on a subdomain you don't have to host it on a subdomain but Metis guys scrape your page for language of thc CBD, etc. etc. So you don't want to have any language about thc CBD on that page.
00:22:45:21 - 00:23:05:11
If you do, it can lead to a rejection or a ban. So I host my landing pages on subdomains, so that way it's a much higher likelihood that there is no mention of thc CBD anywhere on that page. So I don't know if you can see it, but how you can find that type of THC or CBD. You won't find that on the page, you won't find it in the metadata, etc..
00:23:05:13 - 00:23:26:22
So now let's keep got Microdosing Next-Gen Social Tonic. What we don't say here is CBD, THC. We're talking about the effects of the product. Why are people buying a THC product? Why are people buying a CBD product? Why are they buying these different things? Like that's what's far more interesting is, is that a euphoric, calming, inspiring drink with an unparallel effect, blah blah.
00:23:26:22 - 00:23:45:11
The most fun you can have approachable and stackable, no hangovers or regrets. Drinking evolved. So even here I did mention hemp once. Full spectrum hemp. You don't have to do that. But it's a matter reviewer or an A.I. system sees that as it's compliant. So that's that's allowed. And the lion's and we talk a little bit about that.
00:23:45:16 - 00:24:04:05
Okay. So what you're mainly noticing here is I'm not mentioned THC. We've also Photoshop of cannabis. We've taken off THC and CBD off the label here. That's essentially the place I hit. So this is the first page. So the things that really matter to us is your ad and your landing page and the landing page, the first click, the ad that's to get to the landing page.
00:24:04:11 - 00:24:28:24
So if I hit it again now I'm jumping to drink brief dot com slash product slash lemon. I'm going to drop that in chat as well. So you are able to track conversions. I'll show you how so So this is this is now on my main site so I'm not on a separate site. And so to your first question, this is this is going from this is going from my ad to my landing page on a subdomain.
00:24:29:02 - 00:24:45:17
That subdomain has a pixel installed on it. It has the same pixel that's on my main website. It's firing a page view on my landing page. And then when I click over to my PDP, this is the main PDP on my main website. I had this little breeze logo. I'm brought to my main site that does say Micromax canvas mushrooms.
00:24:45:17 - 00:25:04:11
And again, I hit back. Now I'm back on the PDP and now here you'll see I am starting to see I'm seeing CBD because this is my main site. I mean everything and my pixels and start on this website. So if someone goes in here and buys a prior to add to cart, all of that is being tracked through the pixel and reported back to Metta.
00:25:04:13 - 00:25:38:07
So that's like the general gist of how that works. I'm actually once more on another AJC can get an idea of what's possible here. Here's another example. Show this tab instead. Okay. Breeze unlock the power of natural euphoria. So now I'm saying what's the benefit of the product I'm using are herb and mushroom. So you see how you use emojis here instead of saying instead of saying cannabis, mushrooms infused tonic delivers a refreshing, clear and relieving effect of minutes.
00:25:38:09 - 00:25:55:14
I name the flavors I'm using emojis here rather than saying I photoshopped off THC and CBD for our hemp beverage and then into social Connect, I click. I'm on this landing page. When I make that click, it's tracking. It's tracking my page view on this landing page. This would go to my shop, this would go to my ballot, this would go to my homepage.
00:25:55:14 - 00:26:21:15
But I'm not on that. I'm on a landing page. Okay, cool. I'm so interested. That's so cool. I'd love to buy it. Now I'm here on the product page where I can actually buy the product and track the events along the way. So that's a great example of how that's done. I can just keep showing you examples, but I think it would be more beneficial to you if I answer questions and then I can show examples with those questions as we go.
00:26:21:17 - 00:26:43:03
So let's let's do that. I'm going to scroll back. If you have questions, go ahead and put them in to chat and yeah, so I just got to initial question. I just throw some up here as we go so we can do the same on tick tock adds Tick tock and Google are different beasts. So the overall summary for tick tock, tick, tick tock, tick tock.
00:26:43:05 - 00:27:03:15
You can't mention hemp, you can't mention thc CBD, etc. They're actually more strict than better. Personally, what we deal with, we don't advertise very many brands. Tick Tock we have done in the past. It's very challenging to shut down a lot for Breeze. We have our infused product. This is the THC and CBD. We have a lion's mane only product as well.
00:27:03:19 - 00:27:21:21
The lion's mane only product we put on to Tick tock shop and we send it to affiliates and then we do spark ads with that and that's fully compliant. There's no nothing on. So that's how we do it. You can also we're also going to do organic content for TikTok and that we're going to be about the main product that's infused organic content about THC and CBD is fine.
00:27:21:24 - 00:27:43:05
Sometimes you can boost that specific to Google. Google requires you to use a hemp only website, so you have to have a dedicated web page, a website, not what page that's full, full circle hemp. You can only use hemp language in the entire website. It doesn't work nearly as well there for branded, but it's really hard to get it to work for non branded and cold traffic.
00:27:43:07 - 00:28:17:01
So that's that's generally the consensus there. Okay. So I'm just going to start picking some of these out And Gary and Zach, feel free to take some of these out with me and we can we can put it in together. But and if you guys really want to hear an answer to a question, then go ahead and and artist or some things that we can you can check it he did yeah I've got a few here that kind of came on earlier if you want to just like up to them so so I don't know if this is kind of in your ball like wheelhouse or anything like that.
00:28:17:01 - 00:28:47:03
The sheriff is wondering if, like the activists approach would work for like vape products or anti cigaret smoking educational kind of things about privacy. Yeah it was tough work. Yeah. So you know medicine most careful about vapes and smoking products although it all works the same. It's the same thing I showed you today. It's the same thing actually works about any product that doesn't matter if it's a sex sexual one, this product or a maybe a like a gun holster or something like this.
00:28:47:05 - 00:29:09:01
It works for many product categories. It's kind of the same, the same path. But but yeah, you know, it's always better and safer to use it. And more of these, like edibles, gummies, drinks. That's always an easier that than the vapes cool but same same otherwise. Yeah. And Peter is wondering like how do you actually stay up to date with like these requirements that are obviously ever changing.
00:29:09:07 - 00:29:28:00
You don't want to be in a situation or like something change you didn't know and then you get an account ban or something. You have like a treatment. It's just always looking or emailing this stuff like that. Yeah, good question. So we've been doing it a long time, guys. You know, like I had a I had a CBD brand in 2018, so the farm bill came out in 2018, which is what made Sydney legal.
00:29:28:02 - 00:29:45:01
I started a CBD brand and I tried to advertise it and I got shut down every which way and just kept working on it. I got the official policies from Better Do, which is what I just put into the chat earlier and we can repost this if you'd like, but I look at those, I pay attention to those and honestly it's just fitness that these days like you have the latest and greatest that there is.
00:29:45:01 - 00:30:01:17
It's not changing that often, but most people run into walls and when you run into walls, it can be pretty painful. You're out of town, it can go down, your business manager can go down, and then you have to reset up a new business and to reset up a new ad account. So you really want to be on the safe side of this fence until your ad account is warmed up.
00:30:01:17 - 00:30:18:07
You have some spend in there. You have a lot of improved ads. You know, and the other thing is like, take the principles of keeping your account healthy, like learn from the great media buyers in the space on how to keep a healthy ad account in general, whether it's CBD or THC or otherwise. And that's going to allow you to allow you to keep it strong.
00:30:18:07 - 00:30:38:06
So what does that mean? Like avoid rejected ads and when you get them, solve them. So these are like key principles in order to keep the account healthy overall. And then Jane wants to know like how you're using waitlist listing if you are at all. Is that like applicable to this? What does that look like for you? So there's two ways people mean whitelisting.
00:30:38:06 - 00:30:53:01
So like some people say, are we whitelisting accounts or like protecting accounts? There used to be special programs that matter that you can enroll as a part of agency that would give like a closer review of your ads. But there's never been a whitelisting program or a pay to play program that I just want to be super clear about that.
00:30:53:01 - 00:31:09:18
I think a lot of people assume that maybe we have some special, you know, side deal that no one else has. That's not the case. We're just better at it than most our because we've done it a lot. So we don't have any way of whitelisting account. We just know how to not break the rules and how to follow them exceptionally well.
00:31:09:23 - 00:31:26:16
That's one. Two, there's whitelisting in the more traditional media buying sense, which is like Zac Marie is a influencer. He wants to promote our products. He can share his Facebook page and his Instagram account to my ad account, and I can run ads under his account. That's totally allowed. And it's the same as anything else we just went over.
00:31:26:19 - 00:31:45:10
It can be risky for the person they influencers page or the influencers account, so just be careful with their pages and accounts. But you know, if you're really following what I said and you do it right and you keep your account healthy, I think we've had maybe one out account go down in the last 12 months. So it doesn't need to be this painful process through.
00:31:45:12 - 00:32:12:01
And in terms of like e-commerce platform, you guys on Shopify, you you problems, this is on Shopify, WooCommerce and Shopify is the majority of the industry. We have to work with third party processors for CBD and other products like that. But, but yeah, but we do so, but we use, we use Shopify. So Shopify stopped letting CTV initially when CBD came out, Shopify said no, CBD, BigCommerce took a bunch of the market share and then Shopify changed their mind and allowed CBD.
00:32:12:01 - 00:32:30:24
So they haven't had an official policy about hemp THC, but their hemp policy covers the hemp THC that's inside of briefs, which is why we're on Shopify. So and Shopify is a huge hack like Shopify. You can scale much faster on Shopify than other platforms just in general. Yeah, I mean on that subdomain is also Shopify landing pages or Great question.
00:32:30:24 - 00:32:50:02
We actually post that on WooCommerce. I don't, I'm not WooCommerce WordPress. And the reason is it could be on any platform. Subdomains are actually technically separate sites at the same site. So we install the pixel on both sites, but we are both you can use any platform, we just use WordPress because it's simple and easy to make landing page quickly.
00:32:50:04 - 00:33:09:02
Okay. And then from that landing page, another question here and whether you can redirect directly to checkout from that landing page or do you need to just go to from PDP to the product page? You can, but you're going to confuse your customers. Like, you know, if you run to an ad that talks about a product that doesn't say the ingredient, they run to a landing page, it talks about the product, it doesn't say the ingredient.
00:33:09:02 - 00:33:26:15
Then now you're going to go to check out that doesn't say the ingredient. You're going to get people who didn't really want these products submit chargebacks. So I wouldn't recommend it like that. It's like one really critical component of this, guys, is like, you got to get out of the hacker mindset. We're not trying to be hackers. We're trying to be really clean compliant advertisers and do the fundamentals well.
00:33:26:19 - 00:33:45:20
But if you're trying to hack the system, that is some trillion dollar company that's working to stop hackers. We're not trying to be hackers. We're trying to be compliant advertisers that understand the fundamentals of healthy advertising. Right. So and cynics wondering, does this strategy like escaping just digestible CBD policy or for you instead of a change? It's a great question.
00:33:45:20 - 00:34:00:05
So there so there is there policy says that you can't advertise it but it does say you can advertise hemp. This is kind of like the fundamental problem with him and CBD and THC. And the whole reason Briggs has path to this in the first place is there's all these different words and language that kind of say the same thing.
00:34:00:09 - 00:34:20:21
95% of hemp products are THC and CBD. So you can advertise hemp products, but you can't advertise CBD in THC products. So what do we do? We advertise hemp products or we don't mention CBD anti-aging in the ads, in the landing pages. And sometimes they do have the agencies in CBD and sometimes they don't. So this is that gray area that exist in the current marketplace of.
00:34:21:01 - 00:34:35:11
Now, if you do want to say CBD in your ads, then you just need to make them educational and go to articles that are not promotional. And then you can't say CBD. And although they get rejected more often, you just have to go through that appeal process. Got it. And then just so go ahead. Sorry, just one thing.
00:34:35:11 - 00:35:07:07
I saw a lot of people talking about UK and Germany and so all the submitter actually change their policies by region. So the policies for better are the same for UK, for Germany, for England, for whatever. Now if your country prohibits it, maybe you'll run into some challenges, but it's rare. We did. We ran ads in the UK and France and Germany and Italy, you name place, Japan, Australia, we've run ads all there and it's stuff like and then right wants to know.
00:35:07:07 - 00:35:32:00
So since you have multiple SKUs with Breeze, what is your ad account structure look like on metal? Are you, you know, separating each product are different campaigns. What does that look like? Yeah, I'll show you. I'll get that pulled out real quick. So here's a cool or exclusive. This is our ad account. All right. First, you're the first guest to show their ad account.
00:35:32:10 - 00:35:50:10
shoot. Let's see. I just pulled up my out of common sense restricted, but it's the wrong ad account, so it's some guy that's not present. That account. That'd be funny. Okay, let's do another question. I pull it up because I got to walk out of that profile and log into an on for sure. What? Okay, this is like another one.
00:35:50:10 - 00:36:14:16
So what interest are you targeting? You know, on matter? Dude, I am like an old school advertiser. I've been doing this shit since I was 13 years old. Not Facebook ever has been e-commerce. And so, like, I'm not really a big tactic advertiser. I think that these platforms are smarter than all of us, and I think that social advertising, like I think giving the platform as much room to figure out who your customers are and acquire them is actually the best place.
00:36:14:22 - 00:36:33:15
And that's not what brands want to hear when you're an advertising agency. But it's true. Like so I run like for the majority of Breeze's history, I've run a single AFC campaign with 21 players brought targeting and just let it rip. And it's worked exceptionally well. And I focus on things that really matter, like creative, which is something Zach understands well.
00:36:33:17 - 00:36:50:24
And so I've created the landing pages and that's, that's what that's what I do. It's a broad targeting. I let it rip. I like to do the auto, so I've changed. Now we're doing a few different tests, which we just like. We literally rolled out a new test in the last two weeks to see if we could outperform it, but we really haven't been able to outperform it yet.
00:36:51:01 - 00:37:14:16
Okay. And then Dunn just popped in. So he's wondering, you know, if a UGC ad mentions CBD, is that okay? And you said that you just more flexibility, creative. Yeah. So any of that. So that's a good question. So this is kind of what I was saying earlier too is like if you're going to try to break the rules, which I don't recommend, like that's only going to get you in trouble.
00:37:14:16 - 00:37:29:08
It's going to shut down your ad account and like if you can't sustainably advertise, it's going to be really hard to profitably advertise. So so the goal is not to try to break the rules, but if you're trying to see where you can bend the rules a little bit creative, it's always easier to mention things than it is.
00:37:29:08 - 00:37:45:09
And and that's, you know, like the I from any platform, whether it's matter others is picking up the data on the screen. So if your ad says CBD, THC is going to pick it up and shut down. But if we're having a casual conversation, I'm like, yeah, uses lion's mane and adaptogenic mushrooms and there's a little bit of THC and CBD in there.
00:37:45:14 - 00:38:13:00
Like I'm saying, it's so quick and I'm saying it so fast, it's probably not being picked up by the platform. And so you can end up saying things like that a little easier. But again, like here's the real strategy, guys. Try not to do that and sell your products anyway. And if you can figure that out, you'll outperform everyone because now you're not running into the walls that other people are running into, which allows you to like, figure out the angles in which, like these questions are almost like irrelevant and you can just like, run as fast as you want in that direction, right?
00:38:13:02 - 00:38:34:07
Absolutely. Like my ads are saying, like experience, euphoria, like feelings of relief and a great alternative. Alcohol like, you know, like promote the ideas of what the product like people aren't actually looking for THC and CBD. People are looking to feel good. People are looking to have a good night and have a good time, sell that. And then by the time they get to your P2P, they'll have the details of what what allows that to exist.
00:38:34:09 - 00:39:02:00
Right? And then Chris wants to know, you know, when setting up your your business page, creating your business manager, do you have like a checklist of like, you know, if you're going to start this, how do you get it started on the right foot? Is there anything crucial to that at that stage? Yeah. So there's not really like I would honestly, there's some really great advertisers out there that tell you how to set a business manager and clean it up and like, so this is what I'd say here is like, do the fundamentals extremely well.
00:39:02:00 - 00:39:21:17
Like get your business manager set up, start a new ad account, warm up the ad account. There's a $50 spend limit on new ad accounts for the first, like, I don't know, a couple of weeks. First, it's like 2000 working spend. So spend it. So here's like little tactic things. You can change the threshold of your billing so it charges you every $50 rather than every $500.
00:39:21:17 - 00:39:41:00
This is just going to allow you to charge more frequently. It shows a better rapport with Matt. So that way you have a shot. Right now, don't use credit cards that have been banned in the past. If you can avoid don't use names, don't use accounts that have been banned in the past, like start with clean of fresh profiles, like try to have a very healthy, compliant, authentic relationship with the platform.
00:39:41:00 - 00:39:58:05
Don't try to break the rules. This is what everyone does. You think, I need to advertise CBD and THC. I must break all the rules. Don't do that and try to follow all the rules and then just expand on what's possible. Like Mark Zuckerberg is not sitting in a corner office like, I want to get the CBD and you guys you can carry probably smokes, but who knows?
00:39:58:11 - 00:40:19:20
You know, like this guy, it's not his goal. They're trying to keep themselves from creating too much liability for the company. So don't create liability for the companies. Right. And then so this is only going to be for you, Chris. He's wondering if you did he went to educational articles about CBD. Can you have products listed for sale in that article?
00:40:19:22 - 00:40:46:23
Good question. I would suggest like majority of what we do these days is not go to educational articles. I'm I mark the majority of what we do these days isn't going to educational articles, the majority just going to hemp landing pages. So I would suggest like this listicles where you do say CBD and they can be helpful for like top five reasons people use CBD and if you want to do a secondary strategy but no, you want to not put products for sale that will get it shut down.
00:40:47:01 - 00:41:12:03
The whole idea is you can educate and you can use CBD language if it's educational and then it can click to a CBD when they go from education articles, I almost always go to home pages, not usually run into issues that I wouldn't even focus on that strategy so much. I would focus on the ads to the kids that use template, which going simply just click over to of product pages that's much cleaner of a flow is much more promotional, which is the intention anyway.
00:41:12:09 - 00:41:34:14
You're going to get better, you're gonna get lower tax. So that's why I would go on rollers and kayak. Dylan wants to know are you find that CPMs are abnormally high for CBD. What does that look up I think I think we do cheaper advertising in the entire industry like you know like so CBD was a tough one, right?
00:41:34:14 - 00:41:53:15
Like CBD went up and then it went down like CBD. It was this big bubble everyone was interested in and then everything fell apart like this. People weren't getting eyeballs. Teaching is not the case. THC is a much stickier product. People love to feel good. So if you give them a product like that, it's it's an easier sell and, you know, be creative, be innovative on how you do that.
00:41:53:17 - 00:42:16:13
So the tax, for example, like in wellness, I think $50 is the average tax and THC CBD, I don't know, average maybe 45, 55, something like that. But we're seeing tax from anywhere from like 25 to 70, depending on the skew. But we're usually in that like 45, 50, $50 range breeze for example, breeze gets taxed at $45 now according to Metro.
00:42:16:15 - 00:42:36:04
So that's what I'm scaling today. Three I know, I know how much they cut, I mean, stuff like that. But have you seen this word for adaptogenic or psilocybin brands? Is this working for that? We don't do any with psilocybin, not because we can't, but because it's legal to do so. So just be careful if you're going to advertise for products that are illegal.
00:42:36:04 - 00:42:57:04
I don't advertise any products that are illegal where a real company doing real stuff. And so it's it's very so you got to be careful in that regards. I wouldn't I wouldn't recommend it. But but that being said, if you can't do it looks very similarly technologically and strategy was sweet. I really love want when we were in a circle back to his account structure and how you're you know.
00:42:57:06 - 00:43:17:24
Yeah, I'm trying to pull up the the account that I use my buddy, my brain manager, Corbin's Facebook and watch me and I don't have a password, so I'm asking him for the password. Now. So as soon as I get that, I can show you the inner workings of the account. But I. Have you ever tried Legion to just do remarketing via email?
00:43:18:01 - 00:43:39:10
Sometimes I got It's great, works great. But you know, it's like it's the same thing for like the way to think about CBD in the advertising generally, whether it's adaptogens or, or this is like think of it as the same as if we're advertising that CBD and THC. So it's like if you would use Legion in your strategy, then yes, it's great if you would, if you would not use Legion then the don't.
00:43:39:15 - 00:44:03:04
So I have used it and it can't work very well. Estimates you can't really do something CBD and THC very well so it's kind of a pain in the ass. I don't really do estimates by email legion can be can be an effective strategy. I find driving direct sales and collecting leads on my website is better though. Yeah, I mean, driving through an active button is always going to, you know, you can do it and we pick up leads on the website, you know, so all that traffic is going to the website and if there's a mystery offer.
00:44:03:04 - 00:44:24:12
And so we're taking up a lot of a lot there. Is there anything that you're doing right now specifically like from like a growth market perspective at side of metal that's like working for you guys or is like you guys are fully focused on, on scaling with media and stuff like that. Sorry, I'm trying to get into this account so I can show you the account as well.
00:44:24:12 - 00:44:49:00
But yeah, so we, we are doing the other growth actually getting, going to the strategy and CBD and THC is there's a lot of cannabis people here. The entire CBD industry was built on five strategies, which is the affiliates, SEO influencers and PR, social advertising and email. So what Breeze's doing well is we do good enough that's driving 30% of our revenue.
00:44:49:05 - 00:45:10:18
We do good advertising that's driving a lot of our revenue as well. We are accessible to customers. We try to create a really great experience with the product and we have really good customer service and I'm constantly improving shipping and then that's like the core of the business. And what happens when you do great customer service is you get really good word of mouth referrals to people.
00:45:10:18 - 00:45:27:06
So if those things are true, it's an awesome product and when you try it and you like it, you share it with other people and sharing it with other people, it leads to more people consuming it. We also focus on subscription. So if there's a hack that's like the best hack to do, start your brain with subscription from beginning, it's an exponential growth thing.
00:45:27:07 - 00:45:44:17
It happens over time. So the longer that you're doing it, the better chances you have of it really scaling. But I mean, a third of our sales are subscription now, which is pretty, pretty insane. That's awesome. I mean, just like dropped in here you know he's brand that is interesting working with Lucid what would be the best email for him to reach out to.
00:45:44:19 - 00:46:06:15
Yeah Jessica at we are lucid dot com. I'll put it in chat real quick. I did just get access to Facebook. I think so. Tweet collab. Yeah. So Jessica, we were on the set or the contact form on the website is also I so I'm out of the day to day of Lucid but I have an amazing team.
00:46:06:15 - 00:46:24:02
We're about 45 people strong now and my partner Robin, he CEO and he does an incredible, incredible work. And so I think that if you guys for we're not too expensive either five K or 15% of that of advertising so reach out to them that each takes us about 14 days here. It's like you know, it's like a bounce.
00:46:24:02 - 00:46:39:17
This is how you do it. But we've been doing it for six years. So it's like if you want to have it done, call us if you want to do it yourself, you know, watch this. And that's that's why the best that we have. You want to know if you have a minute mats then you work with at the agency or is that just like a five day threshold?
00:46:39:17 - 00:47:06:04
And then after five, you know, its five K or 15%, whatever is greater. Yeah. So I actually said it is five K plus 15% until ten or 15%. So that's how our platform, but it includes creative. So we're making that creative for you in the copy. So that's we don't have a threshold. I actually think that people who do, it's kind of silly, like we're like, we want to spend as much money as we can profitably, so that's $100 a day, then that's what we're spending it.
00:47:06:05 - 00:47:29:01
That's $10,000 a day, then that's what we're spending. And so we're our goal is to our our goal is to get you to profit as quickly possible. These days, THC brands, we're finding a lot of success very quickly. Hemp, it's great product. People love it. They want it. Where have you scaled numerous between six and ten brands in the last six months from 50000 to 500000 in just six months, which is like equivalent very close to British growth.
00:47:29:03 - 00:47:48:10
And you know, like that's like what you know, it took they talk about and often talk about like, like, like we're time put our money where our mouth is. Like we're we're literally rolling out the exact strategies that we do for our clients, for our own brand. And it's working three I got a question just when I had seen you guys even, you know, launch preorder, I'm like, okay, like shipping must be a nightmare.
00:47:48:12 - 00:48:07:00
I'm curious, how did you guys approach that problem and? Is it obviously maybe it's still a problem, but anything that, you know, you can give, whether someone's selling THC beverage or just, you know, normal beverages. I know it's a it's a hard one. Great questions. So that, you know, we like, pick the hardest things to do all at once, which is kind of crazy and silly.
00:48:07:02 - 00:48:25:01
We were like, let's do THC and CBD, let's do hemp, let's do beverage, let's do DTC, which is like really challenging things. But they're also the things I'm really good at. So the short answer is like we started with the unit economics before we got into the game. So before I even like knew what I was going to make as a product and work with Travis to really formulate that, right?
00:48:25:03 - 00:48:47:09
It was really like, okay, what does this need to cost to even make it a viable direct to consumer, which is like reasons, not the cheapest? It's not. It might be the most expensive campus ever to be in the game. We also it's also the best. So we use very high quality reasons. But I knew that I needed an average order of value somewhere between 60 and $120 just to even make direct to consumer viable in the first place.
00:48:47:11 - 00:49:06:14
So if I was selling six pack for $20, that's not going to create an AOB, that's going to be 60 or 70 to 120. So so we started with unit economics. Can we get a structure that works? So how does that work? We have the single, the double singles, lower price, the double that. Then we have a bundle so we can get the duo seen by both and then you can buy the trio.
00:49:06:14 - 00:49:28:16
So there's another in the We have the Lion's mane only, which allows us expansive advertising opportunity and distribution opportunities. So so that led us to like an 80 to $90 of B, which will get increasingly higher over time. So if I'm paying a $50 or $45 and I do, all of that works. Also, there's this assumption that you need to give free shipping and beverage are in DC.
00:49:28:21 - 00:49:51:01
That's bullshit, like don't listen to people. Like it's not true. You don't have to. Do people realize that heavy things cost a lot of money to ship and they don't expect you to pay for it. So we just charge shipping like it's $10, 10 to $15 for standard shipping on all orders, and people pay it very regularly and and, you know, we're not trying to rob anyone like that.
00:49:51:01 - 00:50:07:18
We use very high quality ingredients which cost us more than other people and creates better effects on other people. And and it's expensive to make you to see work. So so we're so we're doing that. And then as we get bigger and have better economies of scale, our plan is to shift over to cost savings to consumers. But I also like to play in the premier side of business.
00:50:07:18 - 00:50:22:24
I think that there's a lot more opportunity in the premier side of business. You can do a lot more, you can serve your customers a lot better. And I'm really interested like we're on the mission to reduce human suffering and maximizing potential, you know lucid makes money like breeze is a really it's our effort to change the world in a positive way.
00:50:23:02 - 00:50:42:17
So we're trying to create the technical structure that would facilitate that. And dude, it's working. Like last month we were like 30% net profit. That's awesome. Just stupid. Yeah, we say that like the race to zero runs at zero. And so, like, you should never even, like, run that race because, you know, it goes to a destination that you don't want in terms of like stealing it as quick as you are.
00:50:42:17 - 00:51:05:01
And then obviously, you know, maintaining a healthy profits. James wants to know if there's a X or of revenue or target contribution, what margin that you're kind of backing into and all your metrics for scaling. How do you think don't. Great question. Great question. I'd like to just get access to Facebook. I think, you know, hey, stay logged and continue quote.
00:51:05:06 - 00:51:22:21
So I'll pull that out so I can show you some back into the platform. But the short answer is I'm looking at. So I you know, there's different ideas in the company of what this should be. I'm like very profit centric. I think a lot of old DDC got fucked because they just went spent so much money hoping that one day they were going to make money and they never did.
00:51:23:02 - 00:51:41:01
That's not the approach I want to play. I want to make profits so that we can grow the business healthy and strong, etc. So I'm targeting somewhere. I'm carrying a below $45 blended cap. I'm often getting a $40 or below blended cap. I would go up to a $50 blended cap, but that $45 on the tech is my goal.
00:51:41:03 - 00:51:57:16
And then I'm looking like a 3.5 in New York. Now I brought some really smart people that helped me kind of plan out the future because we're growing so quickly and they have suggested because of our subscription opt in, because of our LTV, because of all these data points that we have, that we should be a lot more aggressive on that.
00:51:57:21 - 00:52:17:08
And so we might become a little bit more aggressive than we are. But I wouldn't I probably wouldn't ever advertise below a 2.5 blended blended rose or blender. MDR is what they call it. So right now, if I had to pick a target like our current targets that are set on the wall kind of thing, it's $45 blended and 3.5 in beta three.
00:52:17:10 - 00:52:42:08
Do you have the you only bring up the jobless rate to you guys to my screen yet in sweet talk you got me. Okay. So this is our ad account. So you know, I've shared some of the stuff a little bit before. But the kind of interesting thing to see here is this is literally the majority of our spend is in this one asset campaign.
00:52:42:10 - 00:53:00:10
So you can see here $45 cost of purchase right on the mark. I told you, it kind of sits in this data. So like I would recommend this for most people, it's like a single asset campaign launch all the EU treaties and it let it figure out where to spend that money. And you can see it pretty evenly distributed.
00:53:00:10 - 00:53:23:11
It does pick winners. So sometimes I turn winners off and then let it shift to other ads. But, you know, I just let it I let it rip. And then you kind of see for some others we've tested like, here's another top 159 cash, here's another new it's $61. Here's a new bottom funnel campaign of 45. But then my main is taking all my spenders out, 45.
00:53:23:11 - 00:53:40:09
So, I mean, I there's a thousand ways you can advertise. My guess is that the trillion dollar company that has a better idea of how to spend my money than I do. And I know that that's for people been advertising for a while. That wasn't the case for a very long time, but I do think that's the case today.
00:53:40:11 - 00:54:03:24
So I spend the majority of my energy trying to make better creatives and ads and better copy and let and then let it rip, not mandate and do caps on. See, I get why people do caps on ink, but I'm not trying to retain clients. I'm trying to grow my business. Three weeks ago. Tom So I was wondering if you ever use any different sort of ad platform to tell a funnel like Traffic Junkie or any like display for double funnel?
00:54:04:01 - 00:54:29:13
I'm working on it. I'm trying to open up affiliate really quickly. We've been doing some TikTok videos. You know, thing is segment is such a strong platform on that it's really hard to compete with it. So but I'm looking at I'm looking at top of the funnel through I'm looking at affiliate platforms, I'm looking at SEO, I'm looking I'm working on tic tac shop, we're working on influencers and organic content creators to launch content into the platform.
00:54:29:13 - 00:54:51:05
But honestly, like taking care of our customers has been the biggest like and this is what I'd say, like, you know her Moz, He talks about it like experts always do. The fundamentals, like people look for tricks and hacks, especially in the DC community. Far more than they should like. If you can just create a great product and treat your customers exceptionally well, the business just grows like the tools already there.
00:54:51:05 - 00:55:16:07
Like people can buy your product online, you can, you know. So if I was to get some tactics and hacks we use upsell, upsell, we use after sell, which is awesome. It increases our AOB significantly. So I would recommend that for sure. I would recommend we stay for our subscription. We use charge flow for our chargebacks, which we don't have very many in the first place, but they're great.
00:55:16:09 - 00:55:33:20
We use gorgeous for our customer service platform. We use just recently onboarding no structure site speed. So I look for partners that can help our things move faster. But but honestly, like the real focus should be on creating a great product and having a great customer service and good shipping. If you can do that well, then great products.
00:55:33:20 - 00:55:52:16
They carry their own inertia and momentum for sure. And then so inside of your account versus Shopify or are you seeing that you're met, a purchase date is like close to Shopify or so I'm tracking. I actually think better always under reports, like in the agency business, no one wants to like, no one believes you when you say that, but it's true.
00:55:52:16 - 00:56:09:10
It's always been true. And that is always underreported. Like they're taking credit for their sales. And there's maybe the thing, credit for some email sales or whatever as well for beauty conversions. But like almost always, my blended I'm always my blended tack is always less than than my medical check. And and yes, of course it's a salesman of place.
00:56:09:10 - 00:56:33:15
But even do brands like it's I'm always getting more sales in my office cleaning so I always see better performance and buy. I think that I'm getting better performance and better prescribes most of the time. And so I'm tracking and basing my decisions off of my blended results. And Shopify, I use Lifetime real lot. It's a good platform to just like pull all my data together and then see what my blended costs are.
00:56:33:17 - 00:56:48:10
I've used Triple L and in the past they're great. You know, there's a lot of great tools out there. They all do the same thing for the most part. Some of them have cooler features than others. Triple is great, but but I don't I don't have a but. I'm just looking at my total spend and my total revenue, my total cost.
00:56:48:10 - 00:57:17:21
And then as we get more complex with additional channels, I will get more serious about mapping that out. But, you know, like you got to focus on the things that matters. You know, there's not that much time for for these particular run start ups like this and make them successful. Things that matter are are making sure that that performance is going to create a strong and the customer service is great me and then just helping out with a creative specifically do you have a rule in like how long you let a creative run in so you kill it?
00:57:18:01 - 00:57:35:22
Give me rules around that. No. Have The beautiful thing about AC campaigns is like auto spins according to the individual user. So it's not going to show Zach the same at a bunch of times. It's going to show us at different ads. And then if he's not buying, is going to stop showing that guys. So I'm not rotating creative to a creative testing campaign very often.
00:57:35:22 - 00:57:55:04
I'm literally just letting it run this. AC I'm trying some new stuff to see if I can beat that, beat my performance. But generally speaking, I'm just scaling an AC campaign. Sometimes you can kidnap one good creative from cannibalize all the other creatives because once all the spin. So sometimes I turn off a creative in order to get it to give less less spend.
00:57:55:06 - 00:58:19:10
But but usually I'm wrong when I do that. Like usually platform is like act like is not trying to keep sales from you. It's trying to help you drive more sales, like try to work with the platform than against it. Cool. And then I've got like one last question before we wrap it up. You're actually like looking at the retention numbers as whatever and like you're by far the biggest retention numbers that you've been like absolutely crushing it.
00:58:19:10 - 00:58:43:00
So thanks for like, honestly, like being like super transparent is everything I wanted to mention. You know, obviously like Lucifer's like working with other companies that might be a competitor. DEGREES How do you like think about that. How do you kind of, you know, yeah, my thoughts on that kind of stuff. It's my favorite question. You know, I had a client one time, he kind of joked around with me and he said he said, two is a conflict, three is in specialty.
00:58:43:02 - 00:58:57:15
And it always stuck with me. And I think it's true. Like we understand this space better than anyone in the world does because have to create that space. And I don't I don't mean that in a braggadocious way. I mean that in a very loving and caring way. I want to help this category to get as large and successful as it can.
00:58:57:20 - 00:59:18:18
I think it's reducing human suffering. I think it's maximizing potential. We're learning best practice across the industry that we're applying to the industry, but we're very careful to keep all of our clients data very siloed and protected. We also use a pod based structure which Nick and Jake Structure social are very infamous for. So we have a kind of like many agencies inside of our agencies, but only have a subset of clients.
00:59:18:20 - 00:59:35:23
So there's not like all the teams not working on 60 accounts at one time, teams working on 5 to 10 accounts at one time per pod. So that keeps strong data. We don't we don't run all of these accounts from a lucid business manager. These are ran from the clients, business manager, the client side account, the client's pixel.
00:59:36:01 - 00:59:54:00
They upload their audience data. We don't upload their audience data. So we're very careful to be very. But you know, overall, like we don't really believe in the idea of competition. It's a yes to your idea. Like competition means that I'm following you and I'm trying to compete with you. If I want to really compete, don't follow. Just create your own Northstar and go after it.
00:59:54:00 - 01:00:20:10
We help brands to find that Northstar for themselves and achieve it. And in doing so, hopefully create a product preserve better than brief, cool, awesome. And we'll again appreciate all of your time for anybody that hopped in halfway through life story. The replay recording will be live possibly by the end of today. But I want to say yeah, thank you for you know, one your time to absolutely being like super transparent throughout this entire fireside chat so yeah thank you.
01:00:20:12 - 01:00:36:17
I'll give the floor back to you at the end. If there's anything you wanted to promote or link to or anything like that, take it away. Yeah. Thank you. Dude, I'm so stoked to be here. I'm very grateful. I think you're amazing. I think you're place amazing. I think that this community is amazing. I don't have anything to hustle.
01:00:36:17 - 01:00:52:06
Guys. Like, I'm. We're building a really cool product called Breeze Trail breeze dot com. If you haven't tried it, I highly recommend it. It's not just bullshit. It's fucking awesome. The product's great. I know it can change your life for the better. It's a great alternative to alcohol. Red Blue said We are loose sitcoms. If you're looking for support in the advertising, call us.
01:00:52:06 - 01:01:06:00
We're happy to help. And then also you can find me on the Internet at Aaron J. WASPish in the West Association Screen and Chat. I love you guys. I'm here for you and call me and appreciate you, Zach. Thanks to you guys, but.
Join us for the Foreplay Unverified Ad Awards Live Event this February 2025!
Aaron J. Nosbisch, Founder of Lucyd, the largest cannabis social advertising agency in the world and BRĒZ a next-gen cannabis & mushroom infused social tonic is an entrepreneur, investor, and adventurer who has co-founded numerous endeavors while driving hundreds of millions in revenue for his projects and clients, all the while traveling the world.
99% of people think you can’t run Cannabis ads on Meta, and the remaining 1% are scaling wildly profitable campaigns. In this Cannabis advertising masterclass, Aaron is going to walk you through the exact compliance checklist his team is using to scale BREZ to 6-Figures per month in their first year, and the ad frameworks they use to produce and iterate profitable ads on meta (with some pretty shocking creative examples as well)
Join us for the Foreplay Unverified Ad Awards Live Event this February 2025!