How to Create an Ad on Facebook: An Ultimate Guide

How to Create an Ad on Facebook: An Ultimate Guide

Maximize reach and boost conversions with this ultimate guide to creating targeted Facebook ads for your business.

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30 sec summary icon
30 Second Summary
  • Facebook ads help businesses reach a large audience with precise targeting options, allowing for effective engagement and conversions.
  • Ads can appear in multiple placements like News Feed, Stories, and Messenger, each with unique benefits for engaging your target audience.
  • Factors such as ad objectives, audience targeting, placement, and quality influence the cost of Facebook ads, allowing flexibility in budgeting.
  • There are various ad formats, including image, video, carousel, and collection ads, each suited to different marketing goals.
  • Setting up a Facebook ad account, choosing an objective, and defining your target audience are essential steps to launching a successful ad campaign.

With over 3 billion monthly active users, Facebook remains one of the most powerful platforms for businesses to reach their audience with targeted marketing campaigns. However, simply having a Facebook page is no longer enough to engage potential customers effectively.

To maximize your reach and drive meaningful results, you must take advantage of Facebook ads. These paid advertisements can precisely target users based on their demographics, interests, and behaviors, allowing for widespread reach with pinpoint targeting accuracy.

Crafting compelling ad content and targeting the right audience can dramatically boost brand awareness, generate leads, and increase conversions. There’s a reason why 93% of social media marketers choose Facebook: They have a near 10% conversion rate

This is a crash course on how to create an ad on Facebook and how to do Facebook advertising, so keep reading to find out how to make the most out of advertising on Facebook. 

We’ll also look at some examples of the best Facebook ads out there, discuss why they are so effective, and provide you with some essential tips to make it all come together. 

Let’s start by defining what a Facebook ad is. 

What is a Facebook ad?

A Facebook ad is a paid message or advertisement from a business that appears in users' Facebook feeds and other areas of the app. It allows you to reach a highly targeted audience based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and more.

Facebook ads can include various formats such as images, videos, carousels, and collections, all of which we’ll examine in closer detail below. These visual elements help capture users' attention as they scroll through their feeds, causing them to stop and view the ad's content.

Ads also feature calls-to-action (CTAs) that encourage users to take specific actions, like visiting your website, purchasing, or signing up for your newsletter. By combining engaging visuals with compelling CTAs, Facebook ads can effectively drive users to interact with your brand.

Below is a perfect example of a Facebook ad with appealing visuals, strong written content, and a solid CTA. It’s an ad that appears in the news feeds of Facebook users, but there are other areas where you can reach your target audience with these Facebook ads. Continue reading our beginner’s guide to Facebook advertising to find out where. 

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Salesforce Facebook ad

Where do Facebook ads appear?

Facebook ads can appear in various placements across the platform, such as the News Feed, within Stories, on Messenger, and in the Marketplace.

Here are the different areas of Facebook where you can use targeted advertisements to drive leads, conversions, and sales: 

News Feed ads

News Feed ads appear directly in the main feed users scroll through, making them one of the most visible and engaging types of ads. 

They appear alongside posts from friends, family, and pages that users follow, which helps them blend naturally into the content users expect to see. News Feed ads are versatile and support a variety of ad formats, including image, video, carousel, and slideshow. 

These ads are highly effective for driving engagement, website visits, and sales because they feel integrated into the user’s browsing experience.

The below ad for Capital One is a perfect example of a news feed ad using bright colors to immediately grab the attention of anyone scrolling through, and it happens to have a jovial Christmas theme to it as well, just in time for the holiday season.

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Capital One Facebook ad

Stories ads

Facebook Stories ads are full-screen, vertical ads that appear between Stories shared by friends and pages. They are a highly immersive format designed for quick, visually appealing content, as Stories disappear after 24 hours. 

Stories ads can be static images or videos up to 15 seconds long and feature a swipe-up link, encouraging users to engage directly with your business. 

Due to their visually rich nature, Stories ads are ideal for reaching users in a casual, more personal browsing mode. They can be especially effective for brand awareness and engagement campaigns.

The ad for Temu displayed here is an example of a Stories ad. It opens up when a user clicks on the story while swiping from other stories. It’s quick, effective, and to the point. 

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Temu Facebook ad

In-stream video ads

In-stream video ads play during or after video content that users watch on Facebook Watch, live streams, and other video posts. These ads appear in mid-roll (during the video) and pre-roll (before the video) formats, allowing you to engage users when they are already focused on video content. 

In-stream video ads can last 5 to 15 seconds, although some may last for up to 30 or longer, and are an excellent choice for campaigns that capture users' attention with concise, impactful messaging. Because they are shown to users actively watching content, they can be highly effective for driving brand recall and building awareness.

Here, we see an ad for Farmhouse Skincare that would play in the middle of a longer video. It has a catchy tune, uses appealing visuals, and speaks of the various benefits of the product. 

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Farmhouse Fresh Skincare Facebook ad

Messenger ads

Messenger ads allow you to reach users directly within the Messenger app, either through sponsored messages or click-to-message ads. 

Sponsored messages are targeted messages sent directly to users who have interacted with your business previously, making it a great tool for re-engagement. 

Click-to-message ads, on the other hand, appear in the Facebook News Feed and prompt users to start a conversation with your business in Messenger. 

Messenger ads are highly personalized and interactive, ideal for customer service, lead generation, or promoting special offers. They create a direct line of communication with users, fostering deeper engagement and a sense of personal connection.

Although the ad example shown below may not be exclusive to Messenger, it is one that may be sent to those who have shown interest  in coffee, or perhaps already shown interest in the brand itself. 

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Kinto USA Facebook ad

Marketplace ads

Facebook Marketplace ads appear among Marketplace listings, allowing you to target users actively searching for products and services. 

This placement offers a unique opportunity to reach users with purchase intent, as they already have a shopping mindset when browsing Marketplace. Ads here can include product photos, prices, and other key details, helping your products stand out within the listings feed. 

Marketplace ads are particularly useful for e-commerce businesses, retailers, and local businesses looking to connect with potential buyers in a straightforward, relevant way.

Audience Network ads extend beyond Facebook, allowing your ads to be displayed on third-party apps and websites partnered with Facebook. 

Here we see an ad for cameras that is perfect to display to anyone browsing Facebook Marketplace for like products. 

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Luxury Kase Facebook ad

This expands your ad’s reach to users who may not be actively browsing Facebook but are still within Facebook's advertising ecosystem. Audience Network ads include formats such as banner, interstitial, native, and rewarded video ads, giving you flexibility depending on your campaign goals and target audience. 

This placement is valuable for brand awareness and conversion campaigns, as it broadens the scope of your reach and increases the chances of engaging users across the web.

Choosing the right ad placements depends on your campaign objectives, target audience, and formats. As you can see, each area of the Facebook platform offers an opportunity to advertise in specific ways, each with its own unique benefits. 

News Feed remains the most popular placement, but diversifying across multiple placements can help expand your reach and drive better results.

How much do Facebook ads cost?

The cost of Facebook ads varies depending on several factors, including campaign objectives, audience targeting, and ad placement.

Here are the factors that influence Facebook ad costs:

Campaign objective

The objective of your Facebook ad campaign is one of the biggest factors influencing cost. Facebook offers various objectives, such as brand awareness, reach, engagement, video views, lead generation, app installs, and conversions. 

Objectives that prioritize direct actions, like conversions or app installs, tend to be more expensive than objectives focused on building awareness or engagement. 

This is because actions like purchases or signups are further down the marketing funnel, requiring more investment to drive high-quality results. If you aim to increase brand visibility, you might see lower costs, but campaigns focusing on conversions will typically come at a premium.

Audience targeting

Facebook ads costs can vary significantly based on the audience you target. Highly competitive audiences, like those defined by specific demographics, interests, and behaviors, may drive up costs due to increased demand from other advertisers targeting the same groups. 

For example, targeting a broad, less specific audience is often more cost-effective, while targeting a niche, high-value audience can lead to higher cost-per-click (CPC) or cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) rates. 

Moreover, Facebook allows for targeting by location, age, gender, interests, and online behaviors, which can fine-tune your ad reach but may also increase competition for those users.

Ad placement

Where your ad appears on Facebook impacts its cost. Facebook provides various placement options, including the News Feed, Stories, Messenger, Marketplace, Instagram, and the Audience Network. 

Ads placed in high-visibility locations, like the News Feed, generally cost more than those in less prominent spots. However, some advertisers find that lower-cost placements, like the Audience Network or Marketplace, can still deliver great results depending on the target audience and campaign objectives. 

Facebook’s automatic placements feature can help maximize budget by allowing the platform to optimize placement based on performance and cost.

Ad quality

Facebook uses an ad auction system that considers ad quality. Ads with higher relevance and engagement tend to receive better placements at lower costs. 

Facebook evaluates the quality of your ads based on metrics like relevance score, engagement rate, and user feedback. Ads that are well-targeted, visually appealing, and relevant to the audience often see lower costs because Facebook rewards high-quality ads by giving them preference in the auction system. 

Focusing on ad quality can maximize your return on investment (ROI) and reduce costs, as Facebook is more likely to prioritize and deliver ads that perform well with users.

Time of year

The time of year can also influence Facebook ad costs, as advertising demand fluctuates seasonally. During peak periods, such as holidays or major shopping events (like Black Friday or Cyber Monday), competition for ad space increases, which can drive up the cost per click or impression.

Businesses may need to budget more during these times to remain competitive and reach their target audience effectively. 

Conversely, advertising during slower periods, like post-holiday months, may result in lower costs due to decreased competition. Keeping seasonality in mind can help optimize your ad spend and make the most of your budget throughout the year.

The average cost of Facebook ads

On average, a good starting budget for running Facebook ads is between $1 and $5 per day for small campaigns, between $20 and $30 per day for medium campaigns, and those with larger campaigns may still spend much more. 

Conversely, we could also consider costs in terms of CPM or cost-per-mille, or the cost per 1,000 views. In this case, the average price per 1,000 ad views is $8.96

With costs out of the way, let’s examine the most common types of Facebook ads and what makes them effective at driving conversions. 

Common types of Facebook ads

Facebook offers a variety of ad formats to help you achieve your marketing goals, such as image, video, carousel, and collection ads. The Facebook Ad Library contains these formats, each with unique features and benefits, allowing you to create engaging and effective ads that resonate with your target audience.

Here are all the different ad types available on Facebook and what makes them excellent for driving profits:

Image ads

Image ads are one of the simplest yet most versatile ad formats on Facebook. Typically featuring a single image, they also include a headline, a brief description, and a call-to-action (CTA) to encourage user interaction. 

Due to their straightforward nature, image ads are easy to create and ideal for conveying a focused message quickly. They work well for brand awareness campaigns, driving website traffic, or encouraging conversions. 

Because they are visually driven, the image needs to capture attention immediately and align with the campaign’s message.

In the ad example below, Lacoste uses a single-image format to showcase its brand in a modern, lifestyle-focused context. The simple background and relaxed poses emphasize the clothing, creating a clean and appealing visual. 

The overlay text, "STILL THINKING ABOUT IT? CHECK OUT NOW WHILE STOCKS LAST," adds urgency with a clear call-to-action, encouraging viewers to act quickly. 

By pairing a bold message with a stylish image, this ad effectively grabs attention and motivates potential customers, illustrating how image ads can capture interest and drive engagement in a concise, visually compelling format.

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Lacoste Facebook ad

Video ads

Video ads allow you to showcase your brand, product, or service in a dynamic, engaging format. With the ability to run up to 240 minutes, video ads offer a versatile medium for storytelling, product demonstrations, and more. 

Video ads can appear in various placements across Facebook, including News Feed, Stories, and In-Stream Videos, allowing you to reach users in ways that fit naturally into their browsing experience. They are especially effective for capturing attention, increasing engagement, and conveying more detailed messages than static images.

In the video ad example shown here, North Face promotes its Outdoor Active Collection by capturing the essence of adventure. The ad uses captivating music and visuals of customers actively enjoying the products in scenic outdoor settings, creating an immersive experience. 

The slogan “Discover Your Trail” reinforces the brand's message of exploration and adventure, making it memorable and inspiring viewers to connect with the products on a personal level. This ad exemplifies how video ads can blend storytelling with product promotion to resonate emotionally with audiences, encouraging them to take action.

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The North Face Facebook ad

Carousel ads

Carousel ads allow you to showcase multiple images or videos within a single ad, with users able to swipe through each card. This format is versatile, as each card can feature a unique image or video, headline, description, and CTA, making it ideal for highlighting multiple products, features, or sequential storytelling. 

Whether you’re a brand looking to promote a product range or a service provider showing different aspects of a service, carousel ads offer a flexible way to engage audiences. They can appear across various placements on Facebook, such as the News Feed, Stories, and Messenger, enhancing visibility and engagement.

In the carousel ad example, Clearbit uses each card to demonstrate how shorter forms can improve conversion rates. The first card emphasizes a simple form, while the subsequent cards showcase different form elements, illustrating Clearbit’s user-friendly interface and the benefits of shorter forms in driving conversions. 

The ad also includes concise messaging reinforcing its value proposition, such as "Drive more conversions with shorter forms" and "Short forms = more leads." This setup draws viewers’ attention by progressively demonstrating how the product simplifies user interactions, making it a compelling ad format for generating leads and engagement.

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Clearbit Facebook ad

Collection ads

Collection ads are designed to drive product discovery and make online shopping seamless. They feature a primary video or image at the top accompanied by four smaller images below, providing a visually rich experience. 

When users click on a collection ad, they're taken to an instant experience, an immersive, full-screen landing page where they can view products, learn more, and make purchases without leaving Facebook. 

This ad format is especially beneficial for e-commerce businesses that aim to showcase multiple products, tell a story, and streamline users' shopping experiences.

In this collection ad example, North Face promotes its outdoor jacket collection. The main image captures attention with a close-up of a model wearing a stylish beige jacket. In contrast, the four smaller images highlight various color options and styles, including red, blue, and yellow jackets. 

Each smaller image emphasizes the products' unique features, such as weather resistance and hood designs, appealing to those seeking high-performance outdoor wear. The ad effectively entices potential customers by displaying the products in different settings and weather conditions, encouraging viewers to explore the collection further.

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The North Face Facebook ad

Instant experience ads

Instant experience ads, previously known as canvas ads, are a unique and engaging ad format offered by Facebook, specifically designed for mobile devices. When users tap on an instant experience ad, it expands into a full-screen, interactive ad that loads instantly within the Facebook app. 

This format combines various media elements such as images, videos, carousels, and even text, creating an immersive and captivating experience for the viewer. Instant experience ads are ideal for storytelling, highlighting product details, and driving deeper engagement, as they allow brands to present content more dynamically than traditional ads.

In the instant experience ad example shown below, Apple showcases the latest iPhone models. The ad opens with a simple yet powerful display of two iPhones, one in black and one in white, accompanied by a caption that reads, “Capture up to 4x resolution for incredible detail.” 

The visuals emphasize the devices' stunning screen resolution and camera capabilities, inviting viewers to imagine the clarity and detail they could capture.

This ad focuses on simplicity and impact. It quickly highlights the phone’s key feature with minimal distractions, making it an effective ad for driving user interest and engagement in Apple's newest technology offerings.

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Apple Facebook ad

Lead ads

Lead ads are a highly effective tool for gathering user information directly within the Facebook platform. When users interact with a lead ad, they are presented with a pre-filled form containing their details, like names, email addresses, and phone numbers, allowing them to submit the information seamlessly without navigating away from Facebook. 

This ease of use makes lead ads ideal for generating high-quality leads, increasing newsletter signups, and facilitating event registrations. Businesses can leverage these ads to build their email lists, gather customer insights, or drive participation in special events.

The HubSpot lead shown below offers a free demo of their marketing software. The ad image showcases a dashboard interface, enticing viewers to sign up. Users who click on the ad are taken to a signup form to enter their information.

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HubSpot Facebook ad

Dynamic ads

Dynamic ads are designed to automatically showcase relevant products to users who have previously shown interest on your website, app, or through other interactions. These ads utilize machine learning to deliver tailored content, displaying products that align with each user’s past behavior and preferences. 

They’re particularly effective for retargeting, as they reach potential customers who may need that extra reminder to convert. Dynamic ads are excellent for maximizing relevance, as they ensure users see products they’re likely interested in, which can drive higher click-through rates and conversions.

The dynamic ad below shows a skort from an athletic apparel brand targeted to an audience interested in sportswear. The ad copy, “Improve Your Skort Game,” invites viewers to engage with the product by making it sound like a fun and valuable addition to their wardrobe. 

Using behavior-based retargeting, this ad would likely appear to individuals who have previously browsed or shown interest in activewear. By showcasing a product that resonates with their interests and preferences, this would increase the likelihood of a conversion.

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PGA TOUR Superstore Facebook ad

When choosing an ad format, consider your campaign objectives, target audience, and the type of content you want to showcase. Then, weigh this against the various benefits that these ad types offer. You can also experiment with different formats to see which ones perform best for your business.

With the various ad types covered, let’s discuss the main point of the day, which is how to create an ad on Facebook. 

How to create an ad on Facebook

Setting up Facebook ads is relatively easy, but you do need to follow a specific set of steps, all of which we have outlined below. From setting up a Facebook ad account to launching your ad, let’s find out how to set up a Facebook ad campaign with your first ad. 

  1. Set up your Facebook ad account
  2. Choose your ad objective
  3. Define your target audience
  4. Set your budget and schedule
  5. Create your ad
  6. Launch and monitor your ad

Let’s start with step one, setting up your Facebook ad account. 

1. Set up your Facebook ad account

To start advertising on Facebook, you must set up a Facebook Business Page, establish your ad account in Ads Manager, and add a payment method. These foundational steps allow you to manage your ads, track performance, and streamline billing, setting the stage for successful campaigns. Let’s walk through each step.

set up your facebook ad account

Create a Facebook Business Page

The first requirement for advertising on Facebook is a Facebook Business Page, which serves as the face of your business on the platform. 

Creat a facebook business page

If you don’t have one, you can easily create it by going to Facebook, selecting “Pages,” and following the prompts to enter your business name, category, and other details. 

This page enables users to discover and interact with your brand, giving your business a presence on Facebook where you can share content and engage with followers.

Set up your ad account in Ads Manager

Set up your ad account in Ads Manager

Once your business page is established, head to Facebook Ads Manager to create your ad account. Ads Manager is a central hub for creating, monitoring, and optimizing your campaigns. 

Here, you’ll input your business information, select your advertising preferences, and gain access to tools that let you track ad performance, define audiences, and view insights. 

You can connect other assets, like your Instagram account or a Facebook Pixel, for enhanced tracking and targeting capabilities.

Add a payment method

Before launching your first ad, you’ll need to set up a payment method. Go to Ads Manager's “Payment Settings” section and choose from options like credit cards, PayPal, or direct bank transfers. 

Although you won’t be billed until your ads are live, having a payment method in place ensures a smooth start. You can also set spending limits to manage your budget effectively and avoid unexpected charges.

Once you complete these steps, you’re ready to move on to the next phase: selecting an ad objective that aligns with your business goals.

2. Choose your ad objective

Selecting the right ad objective is crucial for aligning your Facebook Ads with your business goals. Facebook offers a range of objectives to help you achieve specific outcomes, from building brand awareness to driving website traffic and boosting conversions. 

Each objective guides Facebook in optimizing ad delivery for the best results. Let’s discuss the key objectives you can choose, including Brand Awareness, Traffic, Engagement, and Conversions, to help you tailor your campaign to meet your goals.

Choose your ad objective

Increase brand awareness

The Brand Awareness objective is ideal if your goal is to build recognition and make your brand memorable. This option prompts Facebook to show your ad to people most likely to recall it. It’s a great choice for businesses looking to introduce a new product, generate buzz, or expand their reach without focusing on immediate sales or engagement.

Drive traffic to your website

For businesses focused on increasing website visits, the Traffic objective is the way to go. This objective is designed to encourage users to click on your ad and navigate to your website, blog, or specific landing page. 

Facebook optimizes ad delivery for users more inclined to click through, making it perfect for businesses looking to boost online visibility, promote specific content, or drive more site visitors.

Encourage engagement and interaction

The Engagement objective suits brands looking to build an active community on Facebook. Whether you want more likes, comments, or shares, this objective helps you drive interactions on your posts. Targeting users who are more likely to engage with content effectively increases visibility, fosters community, and improves your brand’s social proof.

Promote app installs

If you have a mobile app you want to promote, the App Installs objective is designed specifically for you. 

This objective directs users to download your app from the appropriate app store, making it a useful tool for reaching potential users who may benefit from your app’s offerings. 

Facebook will optimize ad delivery for users more inclined to install mobile apps, making it an effective way to boost your app’s user base.

Generate leads directly on Facebook

The Lead Generation objective is particularly powerful for businesses that want to capture leads. 

This objective allows you to collect user information through pre-filled forms directly within Facebook, making it easy for users to submit their details. 

This objective is ideal for building your email list or gathering potential customer information. It is well-suited for businesses focused on lead nurturing and customer acquisition.

Increase conversions and sales

The Conversions objective is a powerful choice for e-commerce and other businesses looking to drive specific actions on their website, such as purchases, sign-ups, or other meaningful conversions.

Facebook will show your ad to users most likely to complete the action you specify, making it highly effective for businesses with a clear call to action and a conversion-focused website.

Boost video views

If showcasing your product or brand through video content is a priority, the Video Views objective is a smart choice. Facebook will deliver your video ad to users who are likelier to watch it, allowing you to engage potential customers through storytelling, product demonstrations, or other engaging content formats.

Video Views is useful for increasing brand awareness and engagement through dynamic, visually rich content.

When choosing an objective, align it with your marketing goals and consider running multiple campaigns with different objectives for a well-rounded approach. In the next step, you'll learn how to define your target audience, ensuring your ads reach the right people for maximum impact.

3. Define your target audience

Creating an effective Facebook ad starts with identifying the right people to target. Facebook's robust targeting tools allow you to reach a highly specific audience based on various criteria, increasing the chances that your ad will resonate and drive results. 

In this section, we'll discuss the key elements for defining your target audience: demographic targeting, interest and behavior targeting, Custom Audiences, and Lookalike Audiences

Let’s break down each targeting option to help you connect with the people most likely to engage with your brand.

Define your target audience

Demographic targeting

The first step in defining your audience is to consider the demographics of your ideal customers. Facebook allows you to target users based on age, gender, location, education level, relationship status, etc. 

By narrowing down these demographic details, you can ensure that your ad reaches the right group. 

For example, a company selling luxury travel packages might target individuals aged 30-60 with higher education levels in specific geographic locations. 

Being intentional about demographic targeting allows you to reach a core audience that aligns with your product or service.

Interest and behavior targeting

Understanding your target audience’s interests and behaviors is essential for connecting with potential customers. Facebook enables you to target users based on their interests, such as the pages they like, the content they engage with, and the hobbies they enjoy. 

Moreover, behavior targeting lets you reach people based on their activities, such as travel habits or shopping behaviors. 

For example, selling fitness products could target people interested in exercise, healthy eating, and outdoor activities. This level of targeting helps ensure your ad appears to users who are more likely to be receptive to your message.

Targeting warm audiences with Custom Audiences

Custom Audiences allow you to reach users who have interacted with your business in some way, such as website visitors, app users, or people on your customer email list. 

By focusing on this warm audience, you’re targeting individuals already familiar with your brand, increasing the likelihood of conversions. 

For example, create a custom audience of users who visited your website in the last 30 days and serve them an ad featuring a special promotion or reminder about an abandoned cart. Custom Audiences are a powerful tool for re-engaging users and driving repeat business.

Reaching similar users with Lookalike Audiences

Lookalike Audiences enable you to reach new potential customers who share characteristics similar to those of your existing customers. By analyzing your source audience, Facebook identifies users with comparable demographics, interests, and behaviors, broadening your reach to individuals likely to engage with your brand. 

For example, if your core audience consists of tech-industry online shoppers, Facebook can target people who exhibit similar online shopping behaviors and tech interests. Lookalike Audiences are an excellent option for expanding your reach while maintaining relevance to your brand.

When defining your target audience, it’s crucial to balance being specific enough to reach your ideal customers and broad enough for optimal ad delivery. Start with a core target audience and experiment with different targeting options to determine what works best. With your target audience defined, setting your budget and schedule is the next step.

4. Set your budget and schedule

Determining your budget and setting the schedule for your Facebook ad is essential for managing costs and ensuring your ad reaches your audience at the right times. 

This section will review how to set a daily or lifetime budget, choose the ad schedule, understand bid strategies, and set your ad placement preferences. These steps will help you optimize spending and target delivery for better results.

Set your budget and schedule

Choose a daily or lifetime budget

When setting your ad budget, you have two options: a daily or lifetime budget. A daily budget sets the average amount you’re willing to spend daily, giving you control over daily spending. 

On the other hand, a lifetime budget is the maximum amount you’re willing to spend over the entire ad campaign duration. 

For example, if you have a limited budget but want your ad to run for a week, a lifetime budget can help ensure you don’t overspend while your ad is active. Selecting the appropriate budget depends on your advertising goals and how you want to manage your ad spend over time.

Set your ad schedule

Once your budget is established, you must set your ad schedule. You can choose specific start and end dates for your ad or run it continuously without an end date. 

Scheduling exact dates is often the best choice for ads that are tied to specific events or promotions. 

For example, if you’re promoting a holiday sale, scheduling your ad to run only during that period ensures you reach your audience when the offer is most relevant. Continuous ad delivery works well for brand awareness campaigns or ongoing promotions.

Select a bid strategy: lowest cost vs. target cost

Facebook offers two main bid strategies to help you control ad costs and optimize delivery: lowest cost and target cost. With the lowest cost strategy, Facebook will aim to maximize the number of results within your budget, making it ideal if you want to get as many clicks, views, or conversions as possible. 

Alternatively, the target cost strategy allows you to set a specific cost per result, which is useful if you want more consistent control over spending. For example, if you know the maximum amount you're willing to pay for each lead, the target cost option can help keep your spending aligned with that target.

Define ad placement preferences

Ad placements determine where your ad will appear across Facebook’s platforms, including the News Feed, Instagram Feed, Messenger, and more. Facebook allows you to either automatically place your ad in the areas it believes will deliver the best results or manually select your preferred placements. 

Automatic placements are ideal for advertisers looking to maximize reach and efficiency, as Facebook uses its algorithm to place ads where they’re most likely to perform well. 

If your campaign has specific goals, such as focusing solely on Instagram or Messenger, manually choosing placements gives you more control over where your ads are displayed.

By setting an appropriate budget and schedule, selecting a bid strategy, and defining placements, you’re ready to move on to the next phase: creating ad content that resonates with your target audience.

5. Create your ad

Creating an effective Facebook ad involves several steps designed to ensure your message reaches and resonates with your target audience. 

By choosing the right format, crafting compelling ad copy, and using high-quality visuals, you can create an ad that captures attention, drives engagement, and aligns with your campaign goals. Here’s a more detailed breakdown of how to develop an impactful Facebook ad.

Creat your ad

Choose your ad format

Choosing the right ad format is essential to convey your message and engage your audience effectively. Facebook offers various ad formats, each suited to different content types and marketing objectives. 

We discussed this above, so please refer to the “Common types of Facebook ads” section for a more detailed breakdown. Once you have chosen your ad format, you can proceed to the next step.

Craft compelling ad copy

Once you’ve selected your format, focus on crafting ad copy that grabs attention and communicates your value proposition effectively. The ad copy should be concise, impactful, and aligned with the interests of your target audience. Key components of effective ad copy include a headline, body text, and CTA

Here’s what you need to know:


The headline is often the first thing people see, so it needs to be compelling and clear. Aim for a headline that’s both attention-grabbing and descriptive. For instance, if you’re promoting a sale, emphasize the discount right in the headline: “Save 30% on Our Best-Selling Collection.”

Body text

Follow the headline with a few sentences highlighting your product or service's main benefits or features. Keep the text concise, avoiding jargon or overly complex language. Focus on how your product or service solves a problem, fulfills a need, or adds value to the user’s life. For example, “Our shoes are made with eco-friendly materials to keep you comfortable while reducing your carbon footprint.”

Call-to-action (CTA)

A strong CTA guides the user to what to do next. Make sure your CTA is clear, specific, and action-oriented, such as “Shop Now,” “Sign Up,” or “Learn More.” Consider the goal of your ad and craft a CTA that aligns with it—if you want users to visit your website, a CTA like “Browse Our Collection” is more effective than a generic “Click Here.”

If you’re having trouble crafting ad copy, look at the millions of ads in the Foreplay Discovery Library for creative inspiration. 

Your ad copy should feel relevant and personalized to your target audience. Consider using Facebook’s dynamic creative feature, which allows you to test different versions of your copy to see which resonates best with your audience. Once this step is complete, you can then upload your creative. 

Upload your ad creative

High-quality visuals are a vital component of an engaging Facebook ad. Whether using images, videos, or a combination, ensure your visuals are clear, professional, and aligned with your brand. 

Here are some best practices for optimizing your ad creative:

Image quality

For image ads, use high-resolution images that are well-lit and visually appealing. Avoid cluttered visuals, as they can detract from your message. Ensure that your images follow Facebook’s design guidelines to avoid cropping or distortion when displayed.

Video production

Videos should be clear, well-edited, and concise. Keep your brand visible throughout the video, and consider adding captions to engage viewers who may be watching without sound. If you’re showcasing a product, make sure to highlight it within the first few seconds of the video to capture interest.

Preview and test

Before launching your ad, preview it across different placements, such as the News Feed, Stories, and Messenger. Ensure that your visuals look great on both mobile and desktop devices. Check for readability and clarity, especially for text-heavy ads or those with detailed visuals.

The included example below perfectly showcases all of these points. The ad uses strong and clear visuals, short and concise yet engaging text, and a great CTA. 

▶️ View Full Image Ad

Zendesk Facebook ad

Uploading the right ad creative ensures that your message is conveyed effectively. Use Facebook’s Creative Hub to experiment with different formats and visualize how your ad will appear across placements. Now that you’ve previewed your ad and are satisfied with it, you can take it live. 

6. Launch and monitor your ad

Once you’ve crafted and finalized your ad, you can launch your campaign and begin monitoring its performance. 

Here, we’ll walk through the essential steps to submit your ad for review, monitor performance metrics, and optimize based on results. 

Launching an ad is just the beginning; monitoring key metrics and making adjustments based on data will help you maximize your results.

Launch and monitor your ad

Submit your ad for review

Before your ad can go live, Facebook requires that it goes through a review process to ensure it meets the platform’s advertising policies. Submitting your ad for review typically takes up to 24 hours. 

If your ad is approved, it will automatically begin running according to your scheduled start date and budget. Facebook’s policies cover areas like prohibited content, restricted content, and image/text guidelines, so ensure your ad meets these standards to avoid delays.

Monitor ad performance with Facebook Ads Manager

Once your ad is live, regularly monitor its performance through Facebook Ads Manager. This tool provides in-depth analytics, including metrics such as reach, impressions, clicks, and conversions. 

Reviewing this data lets you identify which aspects of your ad are performing well and which may need adjustments. 

For instance, if your ad has a high reach but a low click-through rate (CTR), your creative might not be resonating with your audience. In that case, consider revising the visuals or copy to make it more engaging.

Analyze data and identify improvement areas

To understand your ad's effectiveness, focus on both top-level metrics (like reach and CTR) and conversion metrics (such as leads or sales). For example, if your ad has a high CTR but low conversions, your landing page may need optimization to convert visitors better. 

Ensure that the landing page aligns with the message of your ad and provides a seamless user experience. 

Furthermore, keep an eye on your frequency rate, the number of times your ad is shown to the same user. High frequency rates can lead to ad fatigue, so consider refreshing your ad creative or targeting if this becomes an issue. If you’re having trouble, you might find some inspiration from these high-performing Facebook ads

A/B test ad elements for ongoing optimization

Facebook Ads Manager also offers A/B testing capabilities, allowing you to test different versions of your ad with slight variations. You can experiment with different images, headlines, CTAs, and targeting options to see what resonates best with your audience. 

For example, test different images or messaging to discover which version drives more clicks or conversions. 

Use A/B testing results to make data-driven adjustments that enhance ad performance over time. Continual testing is a great way to refine your approach and identify the best combinations.

If you want to see how your ads are performing compared to those of your competitors, Foreplay’s Spyder Ad Spy tool will give you a clear picture of what areas you need to improve. 

Adjust your budget and schedule based on performance

As you monitor your ad’s performance, don’t hesitate to adjust your budget or schedule based on its effectiveness. If your ad is performing well and meeting your goals, consider increasing your budget to amplify results. 

On the other hand, if the ad isn’t delivering as expected, you may want to pause it, make necessary optimizations, and relaunch.

Facebook’s flexible budgeting options allow you to scale campaigns that work or save money on those that underperform. By actively managing your budget and making strategic adjustments, you can ensure your advertising spend works efficiently towards your business goals.

Reasons to create Facebook ads

Creating Facebook ads can offer significant advantages for businesses looking to expand their reach and drive engagement. 

Let’s explore several key benefits of Facebook ads, including cost-efficiency, targeted reach, measurable results, and brand engagement. 

These features allow businesses to connect with their ideal audience and achieve their marketing goals.

Cost-effective marketing

Facebook ads are highly cost-effective, allowing businesses to set a daily or lifetime budget and only spend what they’re comfortable with. 

With options for pay-per-click or impression-based pricing, Facebook ads can fit any budget, making it accessible for small businesses and large enterprises alike. 

This flexibility in budgeting allows you to maximize your marketing dollars and reach a broader audience without breaking the bank.

Precise audience targeting

Facebook ads offer advanced targeting options, enabling you to reach people based on specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. 

You can define your audience by age, gender, location, interests, or even life events, helping to ensure your ads are seen by those most likely to engage with your brand. 

For instance, if your business sells organic skincare products, you can target users interested in wellness, beauty, and eco-friendly lifestyles, increasing the chance of connecting with potential customers.

Measurable results and insights

One of the greatest benefits of Facebook ads is the ability to measure and analyze ad performance. Through Facebook Ads Manager, you can track important metrics such as impressions, clicks, conversions, and engagement. 

These insights help you evaluate the effectiveness of your ads and make data-driven decisions. You can also test different versions of your ads to see what resonates best with your audience, allowing for continuous improvement.

Retargeting and re-engagement opportunities

Facebook ads allow you to reconnect with people who have previously interacted with your business. 

By creating Custom Audiences, you can target users who have visited your website, viewed certain products, or engaged with your content on Facebook. This retargeting feature encourages past visitors and customers to return, helping to increase conversions and build customer loyalty.

Enhancing brand awareness and engagement

Facebook ads are effective tools for building brand awareness and driving engagement. Visually appealing ads encourage users to interact with your content by liking, sharing, or commenting, which boosts your brand’s visibility on the platform. 

These interactions help create a community around your brand. When users engage with your ads, they can also expose your brand to their friends and followers, increasing your reach even further.

Facebook ads can help your business reach a targeted audience, generate measurable results, and encourage user engagement. Whether your goal is to build brand awareness, generate leads, or boost sales, Facebook ads provide powerful tools to help you achieve your objectives. 

Final thoughts on creating effective Facebook ads

Creating ads on Facebook offers businesses a powerful way to reach and engage with their target audiences effectively. With precise targeting options, you can connect with people based on their demographics, interests, and behaviors, ensuring that your message resonates with those most likely to be interested in your brand. 

Facebook offers several ad formats and placements that help maximize engagement by seamlessly integrating into users’ feeds, stories, and other areas of the platform.

By setting a budget, selecting a suitable objective, and continually monitoring performance, you can optimize your campaigns to drive results, whether that’s brand awareness, lead generation, or conversions. 

Ultimately, Facebook ads provide a flexible and measurable way to reach marketing goals, allowing businesses of all sizes to connect with potential customers and foster brand loyalty.

To find ad inspiration, organize ads, and spy on the competition, Foreplay is here to help! 

Frequently asked questions

How much does it cost to run Facebook ads?

Costs vary based on your budget, target audience, and ad objectives. Facebook offers flexible spending options to suit different needs.

How long does it take for Facebook ads to be approved?

Typically, the review process takes up to 24 hours, but it can vary depending on ad complexity and volume.

What are the best practices for creating effective Facebook ads?

Focus on high-quality visuals, compelling copy, and clear CTAs. Regular testing and optimization are also essential.

How can I measure the success of my Facebook ads?

Use Facebook Ads Manager to track metrics like reach, engagement, and conversions. Analyzing these insights helps refine your strategy.

What are the different ad formats available on Facebook?

Facebook offers various formats, including image, video, carousel, collection, lead, and dynamic ads, each catering to different advertising goals.

What are the benefits of running a Facebook ad?

Running a Facebook ad allows you to reach a highly targeted audience based on demographics, interests, and behaviors, helping you maximize brand awareness and drive engagement. 

Moreover, Facebook ads provide measurable results and cost-effective budgeting, making them ideal for businesses of all sizes to connect with potential customers and achieve marketing goals.

How to create a facebook campaign?

To create a Facebook campaign, start by opening Facebook Ads Manager, selecting "Create," and choosing a campaign objective that aligns with your goals, such as brand awareness or conversions. 

Then, define your target audience, set your budget and schedule, create ad content, and launch the campaign, tracking performance through Ads Manager to optimize results.

What are some Facebook ad design tips?

To design effective Facebook ads, use high-quality visuals that immediately grab attention, keep text concise and impactful, and make sure your CTA is clear and compelling. Incorporate brand elements consistently, A/B test different design variations, and optimize for mobile to ensure your ad looks great across all devices.

How to optimize Facebook ads?

To optimize Facebook ads, continuously monitor performance metrics like click-through rate and conversion rate, and adjust targeting based on audience insights. Test different ad creatives, formats, and copy variations, use retargeting to reach engaged users, and adjust your budget towards the best-performing ads for maximum ROI.

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