The Best Financial Advisor Facebook Ad Examples

The Best Financial Advisor Facebook Ad Examples

See the best financial advisor Facebook ad examples that boost brand awareness and client acquisition.

Financial Advisor Facebook Ad Examples
30 sec summary icon
30 Second Summary
  • Financial advisor Facebook ads, like brand awareness and retargeting ads, help grow your business by reaching targeted audiences effectively.
  • Lead generation ads capture user information by offering valuable resources, making them essential for nurturing potential clients.
  • Social proof and storytelling ads build trust by sharing client testimonials and success stories, enhancing credibility in the financial industry.
  • Choosing the right ad type and tailoring content to your audience can significantly improve your ad performance and client acquisition.
  • Facebook ads provide measurable results, allowing financial advisors to track engagement and optimize campaigns based on data-driven insights.
  • Using Facebook’s advanced targeting options, financial advisors can reach specific demographics, behaviors, and life events, ensuring ads connect with the right audience.

Are you looking for inspiration to create high-performing Facebook ads for your financial advisory business but don’t know where to start?

Real-world examples of financial advisor Facebook ads can provide valuable insights into what works and what doesn't when crafting compelling ad copy, visuals, and offers.

In this article, we’ll share some successful financial advisor Facebook ad examples and break down the key elements that make them effective.

Continue reading to gain valuable insights into creating Facebook ads for your financial advisory business, including all of the best tips and practices and some of the best examples in the business. 

What are financial advisor Facebook ad examples?

Financial advisor Facebook ad examples showcase real ads created by financial advisors or marketers in the financial services industry, specifically those on the Facebook social media platform. 

These ads have proven successful in generating leads, increasing brand awareness, or achieving other marketing objectives. As you’ll see below, there are various types of ads that financial advisors can feature on Facebook to achieve these goals. 

By studying the examples below, you can better understand best practices and strategies for creating your own high-performing Facebook ads. 

For those interested in finding examples for creative inspiration, Foreplay has millions for you to examine, with powerful filters for easy and quick navigation. It’s the best place to find creative marketing ideas for financial advisors. 

Let’s move on and examine some common types of financial advisor Facebook ads and what makes them successful.

The best financial advisor Facebook ad examples according to type

When creating Facebook ads for your financial advisory business, consider six main types of ads, including lead generation, brand awareness, retargeting, tips, social proof, and storytelling ads.

Today, we will discuss each in detail, along with prime examples to provide you with some great reference points for getting started with your financial advisor Facebook ad campaign, starting with brand awareness ads.

Brand awareness ads

Brand awareness ads focus on increasing visibility and recognition of your financial advisory brand, services, or unique value proposition. These ads help you reach a wider audience and establish your expertise in the industry.

Brand awareness ads highlight what sets you apart from other financial advisors and showcase your experience, certifications, and specialties to demonstrate your value. Some may also include social proof for trust-building purposes. They often have eye-catching visuals and ad copy that resonate with the target audience as well. 

In the below animated Facebook ad for Ameriprise Financial, we see the ad immediately addressing common pain points of investors, followed by stating that “We can help you balance today’s needs with your long-term goals”, with the end of the video ad clearly displaying the name and logo of the company for several seconds. 

What sets this business apart is its ability to balance both short—and long-term financial goals. Adding the company's name and logo at the end of the ad for several seconds leaves a lasting impression on viewers. It helps burn the image into your mind’s eye, causing you to remember Ameriprise Financial. 

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Ameriprise Financial Facebook ad

Retargeting ads

Retargeting ads are designed to reach users who have previously interacted with your website, social media, or other digital platforms. These ads keep your brand visible and encourage users to move further down the sales funnel by reminding them of your products or services.

Retargeting ads segment audiences based on past interactions with your brand, such as visiting specific pages like services or the About Us section. 

The ads feature customized copy and visuals that resonate with users’ interests and their stage in the buyer's journey. These ads often include a compelling call-to-action (CTA) that prompts users to take the next step, such as scheduling a consultation or downloading valuable resources.

Lead generation ads

Lead generation ads aim to capture user information, such as email addresses or phone numbers, in exchange for a valuable resource or offer. These ads typically feature a lead magnet, like a free retirement planning guide, investment tips, or a complimentary consultation. 

The goal is to entice users to provide their contact details, allowing you to nurture them as potential clients.

To create effective lead generation ads, craft a compelling offer that addresses your target audience's pain points or goals. 

Use clear, concise ad copy and visuals that showcase the benefits of your offer. Include a prominent call-to-action (CTA) button, such as "Download Now" or "Sign Up," to encourage users to take action.

The example below shows an ad for Advisorist that states, “STOP BUYING TRASH LEADS” and “Get Your First Marketing Playbook FREE!”. This is a perfect example of addressing a pain point (trash leads) and providing a compelling offer (a free marketing playbook), thus enticing people to click and sign up.

Technically speaking, Advisorist is not a financial advisor per se but a company specializing in teaching financial advisors how to grow their businesses. However, the concepts and beneficial aspects of the ad still hold true. 

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Advisorist Facebook ad

Tips and content ads

Tips and content ads are designed to provide viewers with direct advice and useful content to help them make solid financial decisions. However, these ads don’t provide a full set of advice, enticing viewers to learn more about the brand. 

The ad example below takes a relatable and educational approach, featuring a financial advisor speaking directly to the audience with the message “Here are 3 tips to ….” where he proceeds to provide three great financial tips. 

The content is designed to offer real value by sharing practical advice, such as understanding key strategies for financial security.

The visuals focus solely on the advisor, emphasizing his authority and trustworthiness, while the ad targets individuals who want to know more about the topic, making it a prime example for excellent financial advisor advertising.

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Nurp Facebook ad

Social proof ads

Social proof ads are great for financial advisors because they help build trust. Social proof is about having real-life clients share their experiences and success stories, demonstrating that the financial advisor in question is qualified and able to assist clients with their financial goals properly. 

This ad example for Burns Estate Planning and Wealth Advisors immediately launches into a variety of happy clients discussing what they love about this financial advisory service, focusing on the biggest benefits they have reaped. 

The testimonials provided throughout the video showcase all of this financial advisor's benefits, particularly compared to its competitors. 

The visuals show a professional-looking chart or graph, conveying a sense of financial knowledge and trust. The ad targets a specific audience, in this case, the elderly, and includes a clear call-to-action at the end, complete with a phone number for contact.

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Burns Estate Facebook ad

Strong storytelling ads

Storytelling is always a great way to connect with an audience. People love to hear stories of success. Showcasing the financial advisor's successful nature through a captivating story helps build both trust and awareness. 

Stories are also ideal as ads because they tend to connect closely with viewers while allowing financial advisors to showcase their best features, often incorporating social proof. 

Albeit very simple, the ad example below showcases an older woman who is confused about her finances. The ad then discusses the benefits of the particular financial advisor in question. The ad ends with the woman and her husband dancing in joy on a sandy beach.  

This is one of the best financial advisor marketing strategies; this ad is a perfect example. It’s quite simple, yet through clear and easy-to-understand visuals, tells a story of how an older woman in financial trouble was able to find peace of mind with the right financial advisor. The ad also does a great job of incorporating social proof while illustrating the benefits of the service. 

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Fabian Cantu Facebook ad

If you’re having trouble finding ways to incorporate any of these concepts into your ads, use Foreplay’s Discovery tool for creative inspiration. 

Now that we’ve covered some great examples, let’s discuss the benefits of using Facebook ads for financial advisors. 

The benefits of using Facebook ads for financial advisors

Facebook ads offer financial advisors a dynamic way to connect with their ideal clients in a targeted, cost-effective, and measurable manner. 

Facebook ads can significantly enhance your ability to grow your advisory business by taking advantage of the platform’s advanced targeting options, flexible budget control, and detailed analytics. 

Here’s a closer look at why Facebook ads are invaluable for financial advisors.

Targeted reach

Facebook's sophisticated targeting options allow you to connect with the right audience based on detailed demographics, interests, and behaviors. You can customize your ads to reach specific age groups, income levels, or even those experiencing key life events like retirement planning, investing, or purchasing a home. 

This precision ensures your ads are seen by individuals most likely to need and value your financial advisory services, making your marketing efforts more impactful. Advertisers can engage in three main types of targeting on Facebook: demographic, behavioral, and life event. 

Here’s a quick description of each. 

  • With demographic targeting, you can tailor your ads to appeal to specific groups, aligning your messaging with those most likely to benefit from your expertise. 
  • Behavioral targeting lets you focus on users actively engaged in financial activities, such as browsing retirement content or showing interest in financial planning.
  • Facebook’s life event targeting feature further improves your reach, connecting you with users during important moments when they are most likely to seek financial advice, such as starting a new job or buying a property.

Cost-effective advertising

Compared to traditional advertising methods like print, radio, or television, Facebook ads provide a more affordable and flexible way to generate leads and grow your business. 

You have complete control over your budget, with options to set daily or lifetime limits and adjust spending based on your ad’s performance. 

This flexibility means you can start with a modest budget and scale as you see positive results, making Facebook ads accessible to both new advisors and established firms.

Facebook’s bidding options, such as cost-per-click (CPC) or cost-per-impression (CPM), give you the freedom to choose the model that best fits your goals, ensuring that your advertising dollars are used efficiently. 

The platform’s high ROI potential is driven by its precise targeting capabilities. These allow you to reach specific audiences and only pay for ads that are seen or clicked. This approach often results in a higher return on investment compared to more traditional advertising channels.

Measurable results and analytics

One of the biggest advantages of Facebook ads is the detailed insights and analytics the platform provides, allowing you to measure the success of your campaigns in real time. 

You can track key metrics such as reach, clicks, and conversion rates, offering a clear view of your ads' performance and enabling you to make data-driven adjustments.

With conversion tracking, you can see exactly how many users have interacted with your ads and taken meaningful actions, such as filling out a contact form or scheduling a consultation. 

The ability to conduct A/B testing lets you experiment with different ad formats, headlines, and visuals to find what resonates best with your audience, ensuring your ads are continually optimized for better performance. 

These data insights allow you to refine your targeting, messaging, and ad placements, helping you make the most of your budget and maximize your marketing impact.

Building brand awareness and trust

Establishing trust and credibility is essential for financial advisors, and Facebook ads can play a pivotal role in this process. You can build a strong brand presence and foster long-term relationships by consistently positioning your expertise in front of potential clients. 

Facebook ads can help build trust and awareness in several ways, such as using content-rich educational ads or showcasing client success stories. Here’s an overview of how Facebook ads build brand awareness and trust. 

  • Content-rich ads, such as video testimonials, educational posts, and success stories, allow you to showcase your knowledge and connect with your audience on a deeper level.
  • Using educational content in your ads helps demonstrate your expertise, providing value to potential clients and highlighting your unique approach to financial advising.
  • Sharing client testimonials and success stories reinforces trust, showcasing real-life examples of how your services have helped others achieve their financial goals. 
  • Maintaining consistent visibility through Facebook ads keeps your brand top-of-mind, increasing the chances that prospects will turn to you when they need financial guidance.

Retargeting capabilities

Facebook ads also offer powerful retargeting features, allowing you to reconnect with users who have previously interacted with your brand. Retargeting ads serve as a gentle reminder of your services, encouraging prospects to take the next step toward becoming clients.

Dynamic retargeting lets you show personalized ads based on user actions on your website, such as viewing a service page or signing up for a webinar. 

Furthermore, Facebook’s lookalike audiences feature uses the platform’s algorithm to identify and reach new prospects similar to your existing clients, expanding your reach to a broader, yet still highly relevant, audience.

Tips for creating high-converting financial advisor Facebook ads

To create Facebook ads that generate leads and grow your financial advisory business, consider crafting compelling offers, using strong visuals, writing concise copy, defining a clear target audience, and monitoring performance.

Here are the biggest tips for creating high-converting financial advisor Facebook ads:

Define your target audience

To create a successful Facebook ad campaign, you must first identify your ideal client. Consider their age, location, income level, and interests. What financial challenges do they face? 

By understanding your target audience's demographics and pain points, you can craft ad content that resonates with them and addresses their needs. In the example displayed below, we can see that older adults are the target audience of this Prudential ad. 

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Prudential Facebook ad

Set a clear objective

Before launching your ad campaign, determine your primary goal. Are you looking to generate leads, increase brand awareness, or promote a specific service? 

A clear objective helps you create ad content and calls-to-action that align with your desired outcome. It also allows you to measure the success of your campaign more effectively.

Craft a compelling offer

Develop a lead magnet or offer that addresses your target audience's pain points and provides genuine value. This could take the form of a discount or a complimentary service. By providing potential clients with a great deal, you’ll make it hard for them to refuse your offer. 

Use eye-catching visuals

Choose images or videos that grab attention and convey the benefits of your offer. Show happy, retired couples or use charts and graphs to illustrate financial concepts. Ensure your visuals are high-quality and align with your brand.

This financial advisor social media marketing example is a high-quality and crisp video. It features a close-up of a woman’s face talking about her experience with this financial advisor. This is then combined with a series of other strong visuals to compel the viewer to keep watching.

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Ameriprise Financial Facebook ad

Write clear, concise ad copy

Keep your ad copy focused on the benefits of your offer and use language that resonates with your target audience. Highlight your expertise and unique value proposition. Use short sentences and paragraphs for easy readability.

The Ameriprise Financial example shown below perfectly illustrates how using short and concise wording can be an effective way to advertise a service. It’s quick, to the point, and extremely thought-provoking, showing how financial advisor advertising can benefit from a concise message. 

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Ameriprise Financial Facebook ad

Leverage social proof

Social proof is a powerful tool to help you build trust and credibility with your target audience. 

Incorporate elements such as client testimonials, case studies, or trust symbols like industry awards or certifications in your ad visuals or copy. 

When potential clients see that others have had positive experiences working with you, they are more likely to view you as a trustworthy and reliable financial advisor.

The advertisement displayed here for Oxlade Financial features a variety of elderly customers throughout the video, appearing very happy and satisfied as the narrator presents the product. Although the satisfied clients in the video don’t actually say anything, their facial expression and body posture strongly indicate that they’re pleased with the financial advisors in question

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Oxlade Financial Facebook ad

Include a strong call-to-action

Make it clear what action you want users to take, whether it's downloading a guide, scheduling a consultation, or visiting your website. 

Use action-oriented language and create a sense of urgency to encourage users to act now. Calls-to-action are essential for viewers of your ad to take the next step. 

In the ad example we see here, you’ll notice several calls, including one that says “Schedule Your Personalized, No Cost Consultation”, with another simpler one, “BOOK NOW”, directly below.

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Consumer Debt Counselors Facebook ad

Use retargeting to nurture leads

Only some people who engage with your Facebook ads will be ready to take action immediately. That's where retargeting comes in. 

Implement retargeting campaigns to reach users who have previously interacted with your website or ads. This keeps your brand top-of-mind and allows you to nurture leads over time. 

For example, you can show retargeted ads featuring a free consultation offer to users who downloaded your retirement planning guide but still need to schedule an appointment.

In this example, we see an add that claims to have former financial advisors giving a special presentation, therefore targeting those who may have already used financial advisors in the past, with the promise of a free presentation sweetening the deal.

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Future Asset Guardian Facebook ad

Offer a free or discounted resource or tool

Providing a valuable resource or tool in your Facebook ads is an effective way to attract leads and demonstrate your expertise. 

Consider offering a free retirement planning checklist, investment guide, or financial assessment tool that addresses your target audience's specific needs or pain points. 

When users see the tangible value you provide upfront, they are more likely to view you as a knowledgeable and helpful financial advisor worth engaging with.

The particular ad example shown below advertises a 12/12 sale, therefore providing a great deal to anyone who makes a purchase.  

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Sanjay Tolani Facebook Ad

Create a sense of urgency

Creating a sense of urgency in your Facebook ads can compel users to take action sooner rather than later. Use time-sensitive offers or limited-time promotions to encourage users to act quickly. 

For example, you can run a weekend-only promotion for a discounted financial planning session or offer a free bonus resource for the first 50 people who schedule a consultation. By making your offer feel exclusive or scarce, you tap into people's fear of missing out and increase the likelihood of conversions.

In the ad shown below, we see Comparison Master advertising government grants for roof repairs, the line “LIMITED TIME OFFER” creating a strong sense of urgency. Although Comparison Master is not a classic financial advice firm, they specialize in comparing various services and products on the market, particularly in terms of price, thus offering their own form of financial advice. 

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Comparison Master Guides Facebook ad

Test multiple ad variations and optimize

Testing is key to finding the best-performing Facebook ads for your financial advisory business. Experiment with different ad formats, such as single-image, carousel, or video ads, to see which resonates most with your audience. 

Test variations of your ad visuals, headlines, copy, and calls-to-action to identify the combinations that generate the highest engagement and conversion rates. 

Use Facebook's A/B testing feature to compare the performance of different ad elements and refine your strategy based on data-driven insights. Allocate your budget towards the ads that generate the highest return on investment.

Using the Spyder Ad Spy tool can help you determine how well your ads are performing compared to the biggest industry competitors, allowing you to optimize your campaign for the best results. 

Final Thoughts

Facebook ads are a powerful tool for financial advisors, offering the ability to reach targeted audiences, build brand awareness, and generate valuable leads. 

With options like brand awareness, retargeting, and storytelling ads, financial advisors can craft tailored messages that resonate with potential clients. The ability to track performance through detailed analytics ensures that you can continually refine your ad strategy for optimal results. 

By leveraging the right ad types and focusing on engaging, trust-building content, Facebook ads can significantly enhance your marketing efforts, helping you connect with your ideal clients and grow your advisory business effectively.

If you’re looking for the best financial advisor marketing strategies, use Foreplay to discover all of the best ad examples to use for inspiration.

Frequently asked questions

What makes a financial advisor Facebook ad successful?

A successful financial advisor Facebook ad effectively targets the right audience, uses engaging visuals and clear messaging, and includes a compelling call to action that encourages users to engage further.

How can Facebook ads help financial advisors build credibility?

Facebook ads can build credibility by sharing client success stories, testimonials, and educational content that showcase your expertise. This makes potential clients more likely to trust your services.

What role does A/B testing play in Facebook ads for financial advisors?

A/B testing allows financial advisors to experiment with different ad elements like headlines, visuals, and CTAs, helping to identify which combinations resonate best with the audience and optimizing overall ad performance.

How do retargeting ads benefit financial advisors?

Retargeting ads re-engage users who have previously interacted with your brand, reminding them of your services and gently guiding them closer to becoming clients, which enhances conversion rates.

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