Animated Facebook Ad Examples

Animated Facebook Ad Examples

Animated Facebook ads can help you capture attention, showcase your products or services dynamically, and drive more clicks and conversions. Here are some examples and tips for creating them.

Animated Facebook Ad Examples
30 sec summary icon
30 Second Summary
  • Animated Facebook ads capture attention and drive user engagement through dynamic visuals and clear messaging.
  • Types of animated ads include GIFs, short videos, and claymation, each offering unique benefits depending on your brand's goals.
  • Animated ads can increase brand recall and click-through rates, making them a valuable tool for marketers.
  • Tools like Foreplay can inspire and help you organize your animated ad ideas, improving the creative process and campaign performance.

Are you looking to create eye-catching Facebook ads that stop users from scrolling and get them to engage with your brand?

Animated Facebook ads can help you capture attention, showcase your products or services dynamically, and drive more clicks and conversions.

In this article, we’ll share some top animated Facebook ad examples and break down what makes them so effective so you can create your high-performing animated ads.

Keep reading to discover some of the best animated Facebook ad examples and what makes them so effective.

What are animated Facebook ads?

Animated Facebook ads are short, engaging video ads that use motion graphics, animated text, and dynamic visuals to grab users' attention as they scroll through their Facebook feeds. 

These ads go beyond static images to showcase products or services in a more interactive, memorable way. 

The key is to use eye-catching visuals and a clear message to quickly communicate your value proposition and encourage users to take action.

Let's look at some standout animated Facebook ad examples to see these principles in action.

Facebook video ad examples

Two animated social media ads that we want to look at include one from Spotify and another from Oreo. Let’s look at these Facebook animated ads examples and why they’re so effective at engaging users. 

Spotify's Animation ad

Spotify’s use of animation in ads often leverages vibrant colors, fluid motion, and rhythmic pacing that align with the platform’s identity as a hub for music and entertainment. 

This not only grabs attention but also enhances the viewer’s experience by creating an ad that feels more like entertainment than a traditional advertisement. Additionally, animated ads can be easily adapted to various formats and platforms, ensuring a consistent brand presence across different digital channels.

Overall, animated ads from Spotify are effective because they stand out in a crowded advertising landscape, engage viewers with visually compelling content, and effectively convey the brand’s message in a way that resonates with its diverse audience.

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Spotify Facebook ad

Oreo’s and Pac-Man

The animation allows for a creative and dynamic representation of the Oreo brand, showcasing the product in a fun, light-hearted way that resonates with both younger audiences and those who grew up playing Pac-Man. 

The playful chase of Pac-Man through a maze filled with Oreos seamlessly blends the themes of the game with the brand, making the ad both entertaining and effective.

The visual and thematic elements of the animation work together to reinforce Oreo’s brand identity as a fun and joyful snack, while the use of a beloved cultural icon like Pac-Man ensures that the ad stands out and is easily remembered. 

Overall, an animated Oreo ad featuring Pac-Man is effective because it combines nostalgia, brand synergy, and engaging animation to create an ad that is both memorable and impactful.

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Oreo Facebook ad

Types of animated Facebook ads

You can create several types of animated Facebook ads, such as GIFs, short videos, and claymation ads, to engage your audience and showcase your brand's personality. 

Let's explore each of these animated Facebook ad formats, along with examples, to showcase their effectiveness. Let’s start by looking at GIF ads. 

GIF ads

GIF ads are a simple yet effective way to add movement and visual interest to your Facebook ads without requiring a big production budget. 

Animated GIFs on Facebook ads typically feature a short, looping animation that draws the eye and conveys a quick message, as shown by the Spotify Facebook ad example shown below.

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Spotify Facebook ad

Short video ads

Next, we have short video ads, giving you more time and space to tell a story or highlight your product's features. Depending on your goals and target audience, these ads can range from a few seconds to a minute or more.

Klarna's signature pink ads are a great example of using short videos to communicate a message quickly and effectively. 

The ads feature simple animations and bold text that explain how Klarna's payment plans work, making it easy for users to understand the value proposition.

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Klarna Facebook ad

Claymation ads

Stop-motion animation creates a unique, eye-catching look that stands out in the Facebook feed. While these ads can be more time-consuming and costly to produce, they can also be incredibly effective at grabbing attention and leaving a lasting impression due to their unique visual appeal.

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GT's Kombucha Facebook ad

No matter which type of animated Facebook ad you choose, the key is to use engaging visuals and clear messaging to capture users' attention and communicate your value proposition quickly. As can be seen in the below ad, the stop-motion effect is perfect for displaying the healthy ingredients contained in the beverage being advertised. 

Let’s move on and find out why animated Facebook ads are so effective at driving clicks and conversions. 

Benefits of using animated Facebook ads

Animated Facebook ads offer several key benefits to help you achieve your marketing goals and connect with your target audience more effectively. These include increased engagement, improved brand recall, and higher click-through rates. 

Let’s start by talking about user engagement. 

Increased engagement

Animated visuals are naturally eye-catching and attention-grabbing, making users more likely to stop scrolling and watch your ad. 

Using dynamic movements, bright colors, and interesting transitions can help you hold viewers' attention and keep them engaged with your message.

Improved brand recall

Memorable animations increase user engagement and can help users remember your brand long after they've scrolled past your ad. 

By creating a unique, recognizable visual style and using consistent branding elements throughout your animations, you can make a lasting impression on your audience.

This is especially important in today's crowded digital-first world, where users are bombarded with hundreds of daily ads. Standing out with creative, memorable animated ads can help you stay top-of-mind with your target audience.

Higher click-through rates

Engaging animated ads not only capture users' attention but also encourage them to click through and learn more about your brand or offer. 

Strong calls-to-action and enticing visuals can drive more traffic to your website or landing page. Some users report up to a 200% higher CTR when using video ads compared to static ads. 

With so many benefits, it’s clear that animated Facebook ads are an effective way to market a product or service, but now you need to know how to create these ads for the best results. 

How to create animated ads for Facebook

Now that you've seen the power of animated Facebook ads in action, you might be wondering how to create your own. 

The good news is that you don't need to be a professional animator or have a huge production budget to make effective animated ads. 

With the right tools and techniques, you can create engaging animations that capture your audience's attention and drive results. It all starts with choosing the right animation style for your needs.

Choose your animation style

The first step in creating your animated Facebook ad is to decide on the style of animation that best fits your brand and message. 

GIFs are popular for their simplicity and ease of creation, while short videos offer more flexibility and storytelling potential. Consider claymation for a truly unique look, although this style requires more time and resources to produce.

Consider the tone and personality you want to convey with your ad and choose an animation style that aligns with those goals. Don't be afraid to experiment with different styles to see what resonates with your audience.

Craft a compelling message

Once you've chosen your animation style, it's time to focus on your ad's message. What do you want users to know about your product or service? What action do you want them to take after watching your ad?

Your message should be clear, concise, and focused on a single value proposition. Use strong visuals and persuasive copy to communicate the benefits of your offering and encourage users to click through to learn more.

Grammarly's animated Facebook ad is a great example of a clear, compelling message in action. The ad highlights the key benefits of Grammarly's writing assistant tool, using simple animations and bold text to drive home the value proposition.

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Grammarly Facebook ad

Optimize for mobile

With most Facebook users accessing the platform on mobile devices, it's essential to ensure your animated ad looks great and functions well on smaller screens. 

This means keeping your visuals simple and easy to read, using bold colors and clear text to get your message across quickly.

You'll also want to optimize your ad for vertical viewing, as this is how most users will see it in their mobile feeds. Consider using square or vertical aspect ratios to maximize the screen real estate your ad takes up.

Test and refine

As with any Facebook ad campaign, testing and optimization are key to achieving the best results with your animated ads. Once your ad is up and running, keep a close eye on its performance metrics, such as click-through rate, engagement rate, and conversion rate.

Use this data to identify areas for improvement and tweak your ad creative, targeting, and placement to optimize your results. Try out different ad variations to see what works best for your audience and goals.

Facebook's split testing feature can be a valuable tool for this process. It allows you to test different animated ad variations against each other to determine the most effective approach.

If you’re having trouble getting started and finding inspiration for your animated Facebook ads, the right tools can help. 

What tools can help you find inspiration for animated Facebook ads?

Finding inspiration for your animated Facebook ads doesn't have to be difficult. Several tools are available to help you discover high-performing examples in your industry, save and organize your favorite ads, and analyze competitor strategies, including Foreplay’s Discover Tool and Spyder Ad Spy.

Let’s look at the suite of tools offered by Foreplay that can help you find inspiration for your animated Facebook ads. 


One such tool is Discovery, which allows you to browse a vast library of curated ads from various industries and formats. This can be an invaluable resource for sparking new ideas and determining what types of animations resonate with audiences in your niche.

Swipe File

Once you've found some animated ads that catch your eye, you can save them to your Swipe File for easy reference later. This tool helps you organize all your favorite examples in one place, making it simple to refer back to them when you're ready to create your own ads.

Spyder Ad Spy

Finally, if you want to examine your competitors' animated ad strategies in depth, Spyder Ad Spy can help. This tool tracks and analyzes your competitors' ads, giving you insights into what's working well for them and what you can learn from their approach.

Utilizing these tools can streamline your creative process and ensure data-driven insights and industry best practices inform your animated Facebook ads. However, you might still be wondering how much animated Facebook ads cost. 

How much do animated Facebook ads cost?

Creating an animated Facebook ad doesn't have to break the bank, but it's essential to consider all the costs involved to ensure you're getting the best return on your investment. This largely depends on who creates the ad, whether you go the DIY route or hire a professional. 

Let’s start by examining the costs associated with DIY animated ads. 

DIY animated ads

If you have some design skills and access to animation tools like Adobe After Effects or Moovly, you can create your animated ads relatively inexpensively. 

This approach requires time and effort, but it can be a cost-effective way to get started with animated Facebook ads.

When creating your ads, factor in any costs for stock footage, music, or other assets you might need to purchase. You'll also want to consider the value of your time and whether it's worth investing in learning animation skills or if it's more efficient to outsource the work.

Hiring a professional

If you don't have the time or skills to create your animated ads, you can hire a professional agency or freelancer to do the work for you. The cost of this approach can vary widely depending on the scope of your project and the experience level of the professionals you work with.

On the lower end, you can find a freelance animator on platforms like Upwork or Fiverr who can create a simple animated ad for a few hundred dollars. You should budget several thousand dollars to work with an experienced agency for more complex projects or ongoing campaigns.

When hiring a professional, communicate your goals, brand guidelines, and creative vision to ensure the final product meets your expectations. To get the best results from your animated ad campaign, you'll also want to factor in additional costs for revisions, testing, and optimization.

Facebook ad spend

In addition to the cost of creating your animated ad, you'll also need to budget for your Facebook ad spend. This is the amount you'll pay to Facebook to display your ad to your target audience.

Facebook offers a variety of ad targeting options and bidding strategies, so the cost of your ad campaign can vary widely depending on your goals and target audience. On average, businesses spend around $0.58 per click on Facebook ads, but this can range from a few cents to several dollars, depending on your industry and competition.

To make the most out of every dollar you spend on animated Facebook ads, let’s go over some essential tips to create the best animated Facebook ads. 

Five tips for creating high-performing animated Facebook ads

Now that you've seen some inspiring examples of animated Facebook ads and understand their benefits, you might be wondering how to create your own high-performing animations. 

Here are five tips to help you get started, starting with keeping your ads relatively short:

Keep it short and sweet

When it comes to animated Facebook ads, less is often more. Aim to keep your ad around 15 seconds or less to hold viewers' attention and get your message across quickly. 

Remember, users are scrolling through their feeds rapidly, so you need to make an impact fast. The below example showcases how an animated ad can convey a message effectively in just a few seconds. 

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Ripping Facebook Ad

Highlight your unique value proposition

Your animated ad should clearly communicate what sets your product or service apart from the competition. 

Use clear, concise messaging and visuals to showcase your unique selling points and help viewers understand why they should choose your brand. What makes your service or product better than the rest? 

Use eye-catching visuals

Use visuals that grab users' attention to stop them in their tracks and get them to watch your ad. 

Incorporate bright colors, dynamic movements, and engaging animations that align with your brand and message. Don't be afraid to get creative and think outside the box!

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Mailchimp Facebook ad

Include a strong call-to-action

Once you've captured viewers' attention and communicated your value proposition, it's time to encourage them to take the next step. 

Include a clear, compelling call-to-action in your animated ad, such as visiting your website, purchasing, or signing up for your email list. Make it easy for viewers to know what to do next.

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Vital Proteins ad

Test multiple variations

As with any Facebook ad campaign, testing and optimization are key to achieving the best results. Experiment with different animations, messaging, and targeting options to see what resonates most with your audience. 

Final thoughts on Facebook video ads examples

Animated Facebook ads are a powerful tool for capturing user attention and driving engagement in today’s complex marketing landscape. 

Businesses can create ads that stand out and resonate with their target audience by using dynamic visuals, concise messaging, and engaging animation styles. Whether you're opting for simple GIFs or more complex video animations, the key is to maintain clarity and focus on your unique value proposition. 

Tools like Foreplay can further streamline the creative process, helping you find inspiration and organize your ideas efficiently. With the right approach, animated Facebook ads can significantly enhance your brand’s visibility and conversion rates.

Foreplay offers tools to inspire and organize animated Facebook ad ideas, helping you create engaging, high-performing ads. Take advantage of Foreplay's resources to streamline your creative process and drive better results for your campaigns today!

Frequently asked questions

How can I ensure my animated Facebook ad is effective on mobile devices?

Optimize your ad for vertical viewing, use simple visuals, bold colors, and ensure the text is clear and easy to read on smaller screens.

What should I focus on when crafting the message for my animated Facebook ad?

Keep the message concise and centered around a single value proposition. Use persuasive copy and strong visuals to communicate the benefits of your offering quickly.

How can I test different animated ad variations effectively?

Utilize Facebook's split testing feature to compare different versions of your ad. Monitor performance metrics like click-through rates and engagement to identify the most successful approach.

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