Spyder - Automatic Ad Library Scraper

Spyder - Automatic Ad Library Scraper

Learn how to scrape ad data from meta libraries automatically. Discover effective methods to collect and utilize ad information. Start spying today.

scrape facebook ad library video thumbnail
30 sec summary icon
30 Second Summary

How to Use Spyder

Spyder enables you to do two things. First, save all Meta ads currently running, and automatically track and save new ad creative on a daily basis. Here's how to set it up:

  1. Go to and click "Swipe File" 
  2. Toggle over to "Spyder" at the top of your screen.
  3. Click "Spy on a New Brand" 
  4. Paste the Facebook Ad Library URL of the brand you want to track.
  5. Choose a Folder you want this brand to live in
  6. Click "Ad Brand" 

The first save will take 5-10 minutes. From then on, any new ads will be added to this Spyder brand on a daily basis.

Spyder Content Analysis

ui showing ad library content analysis

When you save a brand using Spyder we will also surface additional insight based on the ad account. This includes;

  • Media Mix - The distribution of Videos, Images & Carousels live in their ad account.
  • Landing Pages - The distribution of unique URLs and offers.
  • Themes & Keywords - Data visualization of the most used terms in ad copy + video transcripts.

Spyder Beta Details

With the initial launch of Spyder, all Foreplay customers can track a maximum of 5 brands. Unlimited access will be rolling out in the coming weeks. For expedited access, please reach out to customer support.


Q: Will this influx of ads all be included in the Discovery feed?
A: No, to keep Discovery as curated as possible, ads saved using Spyder will not be included. Only when you save an ad to one of your boards will in be included in Discovery.

Q: Will Spyder automatically save new ads?
A: Yes, new ads will be added to the brands Spyder library on a daily basis.

Q: Can I use Spyder to track my own ad creatives? 
A: Yes, simply add your own brand similar to how you would a competitor brand.

Zachary Murray

Founder of