Competitive Research Reimagined, Go Behind The Scenes of Your Top Competitors

Competitive Research Reimagined, Go Behind The Scenes of Your Top Competitors

From the moment we originally launched Spyder it quickly became one of the most loved products in Foreplay. The new version of Spyder approaches competitor Spying from a creative-first approach allowing you to easily extract and ideate on inspiration.

spyder competitor ad tracking
30 sec summary icon
30 Second Summary
  • Automatically Scrape the Facebook Ad Library
  • Identify competitor creative tests & winners of testing campaigns
  • Discover hook inspiration with automatically transcribed & analyzed hooks
  • Host and store your competitors landing page archive

3 Core New Features in Spyder

We’ve improved the overall speed, performance, and reliability of Spyder. You’ll be able to not only inherit historical data but track new brands almost instantly. The largest changes are around the new data extracted and visualized for you. Here's a look at the most impactful features now in Spyder.

1. Creative Tests

ad creative test screenshot

Understand how the latest trends, content styles, and formats compete against each other in competitor facebook ad campaigns. Under the creative tests tab, we’ve organized the entire ad account into launch dates. Each date represents all the ads launched on that date, and when you open it, you’ll be able to see all the ads and the ad details.

Winning ads are highlighted when a singular ad is still running, beating out it's cohort.

2. Landing Page Archive

landing page archive screenshot

As marketing dollars become more competitive, it’s ever more important to understand the full funnel of a campaign. Take a look and see the most popular landing pages your competitors are putting money behind. The landing pages tab will give you an in-product preview of the entire landing page, both mobile and desktop versions. You can also download them right to your desktop. 

3. Trending & Auto Transcribed Hooks

trending social ad hooks screenshot

We all know how important those first few seconds are in any ad on paid social, Spyder is the only ad spy tool that automatically extracts top-performing hooks. On the Hooks tab and you’ll see every hook across the ad account. Now you can browse through hundreds of hooks in seconds, hover over the thumbnail and get a quick preview of the ad and Pin the ones you want to keep note of or export them to a csv.

Never miss a single ad again. Start tracking your competition and unlock creative-first insights.

Log in to start using Spyder.

Zachary Murray

Founder of