Hacking Midjourney to Make 1,000 Facebook Ads with 1 Prompt

Hacking Midjourney to Make 1,000 Facebook Ads with 1 Prompt

The world is stacked full of AI news rigtht now, thousands of new tools and this wave has been the catalyst to the fastest growing startup in history, Open AI. If you’re like the majority of the population you still might now know how it tangibly fit’s into your professional workflow more then helping write emails or ask some burning questions. What if I told you that you could use AI to hyper-scale your Facebook advertising creative? And no, we aren’t generating a bunch of low-quality images - what if we could use Midjourney to create thousands of on-brand images at scale?

man hacking midjourney
30 sec summary icon
30 Second Summary

Stacked with some sneaky Figma plugins Rory Flynn recently opened the komona into his workflow to creating 1000s of high-quality Facebook Ads at scale. In this article we are breaking down the key steps and take-aways presented in his recent Foreplay Fireside Webinar, so let’s jump into it.

How to Prompt Midjourney for Best Results

Flynn underscores that the key to harnessing the full potential of Midjourney lies in crafting well-structured, precise prompts. This section delves into the strategies and nuances of prompting Midjourney, as outlined by Flynn, to guide marketers in creating impactful visual content.

If you are looking to dive deep into Midjourney we also recommend checking out Rory's guides and courses: 

Ultimate Midjourney Beginners Guide

Intermediate Midjourney Guide

The Ultiplate PRO Creator Kit for Midjourney

Here’s how you can better understand the dynamics of prompting:

Clarity and Specificity

Clear and direct prompts are how you can get the best result from Midjourney. The more specific and detailed your prompt, the more aligned the output will be with your intended result. This clarity helps Midjourney understand exactly what you're looking for, reducing ambiguity and enhancing the relevance of the generated images.

Structured Prompting Approach

The structure of your prompt significantly influences the output. Flynn suggests a formulaic approach, where you start with the most critical elements and gradually add details. This method ensures that the AI prioritizes the essential aspects of your image, such as the subject, action, and environment.

slide about midjourney prompting for facebook ads
Midjourney Prompt Formula

Here is what to keep in-mind when structuring your prompts.

  • The beginning of your prompt holds the most weight. Lead with your most important element.
  • Followup your mot important details with supporting details.

Incorporating Photographic Elements:

To achieve a more photorealistic output, Flynn recommends using terms related to photography in your prompts.

midjourney prompting example and output

This includes specifying camera types, lenses, lighting conditions, and even film stock. These details nudge Midjourney towards generating images that resemble professional photography, enhancing their realism and brand suitability.

Iterative Prompt Refinement

Try taking an iterative approach to prompting. It involves experimenting with different prompt variations, analyzing the outputs, and refining the prompts based on the results. This process of trial and error leads to a deeper understanding of how Midjourney responds to various inputs and helps in fine-tuning the prompts for better outcomes.

Asset Hacking for Brand Consistency

When building ad creatives you don’t want to be handcuffed to what AI thinks your brand should look like, you need to think and act like a creative director to control your visual narrative. Introducing the concept of 'asset hacking', which involves reverse-engineering brand assets using AI tools to create consistent and on-brand imagery.

"Asset hacking is about taking what you already have and multiplying its value exponentially through AI-driven creativity." - Rory Flynn

Here are the high-level steps for asset hacking in Midjourney.

1. Organize your current brand assets

To train Midjourney on your brand style, you will need content you already like the vibe of to reverse engineer your future outputs. Everything from lifestyle imagery to website graphics can be used during this step.

2. Use the Describe Function in Midjourney

This function is pivotal in breaking down an image into its core elements, which can then be used to create new, similar images that maintain brand consistency and style.

example of midjourney describe function

Here is a detailed resource on how to use the describe function in midjourney.

3. Combining Chat GPT + Describe

After getting your output from Midjourney describe, you can then use some additional Chat GPT prompts to help craft more detailed prompts to use in Midjourney. Here are the prompts Rory uses in his presentation:

enriching your midjourney prompt with ChatGPT

Analyze the image. We want to create a prompt for an ai image generator.

Describe the image like an award winning professional photographer in extreme technical detail.

Use this formula to structure the prompt : [Insert Prompt Formula]”

example prompt structure for facebook ads

Once you have your refined prompts from ChatGPT, these are inputted into Midjourney. The AI tool then interprets these prompts to create images that are not only visually striking but also deeply aligned with the textual nuances provided by ChatGPT.

example of normal midjourney prompt vs a chatGPT enriched prompt
Chat GPT enriched prompting results

Beyond Rory breaking down his detailed prompting formula for unlimited ad creative generation he also goes even deeper on how to utilize these images in your ad creative.

We highly recommend watching the full webinar for the complete step-by step process with examples.

Key Bullet Points from Rory Flynn's Expertise

  1. AI as a Creative Powerhouse: Flynn emphasizes AI's role in amplifying productivity and reducing costs, all while maintaining brand consistency.
  2. Systematic Approach to AI Integration: He advocates for a systematic incorporation of AI into business processes, ensuring a seamless blend of technology and creativity.
  3. The Future of Generative AI: Flynn's discussion points towards a future where AI isn't just a tool but an integral part of the creative process in marketing.
  4. Embrace AI for Creative Tasks: Start small by using AI tools for routine creative tasks, gradually integrating more complex applications.
  5. Develop AI-Driven Systems: Build systems that utilize AI for regular tasks, enhancing efficiency and output quality.
  6. Stay Informed and Adaptive: Keep abreast of AI advancements and be ready to adapt these technologies into your marketing strategies.

Other AI tools to Help with Facebook Ad Creative

Beyond the tools he demonstrated in his presentation, Rory also highlighted a few other AI tools that could be helpful for specific use cases. Here is what Rory recommends:

Runway - Add motion to the images you generate with Midjourney.

Flair AI - Best generating ads with product photography and hands.

Chat GPT - Build marketing copy at scale and refine your midjourney prompts.

CopyDoc - Mass generate Facebook Ads using dynamic copy from ChatGPT

Midjourney - The best option for photo-realistic image generation.

Magnific - Scale up your Midjourney photos for cripst Facebook Ads.

Concluding How to leverage Midjourney for Facebook Ad Generation

The insights from Rory Flynn's webinar are clear: AI is not just the future; it's the present of marketing. By embracing AI tools like Midjourney, marketers can unlock a realm of possibilities, from enhanced creativity to streamlined processes.

This blog post serves as a call to action for marketers and advertisers to explore and integrate AI into their strategies, ensuring they remain at the forefront in the next phase of digital marketing and ad creative.

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