How to Run a Facebook Lead Ad

How to Run a Facebook Lead Ad

Learn how to run a Facebook Lead Ad that captures high-quality leads. Optimize your ad performance with Foreplay’s suite of tools.

How To Run A Facebook Lead Ad
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30 Second Summary
  • Facebook Lead Ads simplify the lead capture process by allowing users to submit forms directly within Facebook, improving conversion rates.
  • Effective ad placement across Facebook's ecosystem, like News Feed, Instagram Feed, and Messenger, helps maximize reach and engagement.
  • Clear targeting and relevant ad placements are crucial for reaching the most interested audience, increasing the chances of lead generation.
  • High-quality visuals and concise ad copy are essential for capturing attention and driving lead form submissions.
  • Regular testing and quick follow-up are key to optimizing Facebook Lead Ad performance and improving conversion rates.

You likely already know that Facebook is a powerful platform for businesses to reach and engage with their target audience. With over three billion monthly active users, Facebook offers a massive pool of potential customers for businesses of all sizes and industries.

However, more than simply having a presence on Facebook is required. To truly maximize the potential of this platform, businesses need to use the right tools and strategies to effectively reach and convert their target audience into leads and customers.

One such tool that has proven highly effective for lead generation on Facebook is Facebook Lead Ads. If you still need to become familiar with this ad format, don't worry - we'll discuss the details and show you how to use it to grow your business.

Keep reading to find out everything there is to know about how to run a Facebook Lead Ad. 

What is a Lead Ad on Facebook?

Facebook Lead Ads are an ad format that allows you to collect leads directly within the Facebook platform. When a user clicks on your lead ad, a form pre-populated with their Facebook contact information pops up, making it quick and easy for them to sign up.

This smooth user experience can significantly increase your conversion rates compared to traditional landing pages that require users to leave Facebook and fill out a form on your website. 

By reducing obstacles in the lead generation process, Facebook Lead Ads can help you capture more leads at a lower cost per lead.

Another key benefit of Facebook Lead Ads is the ability to customize your lead capture form to collect the specific information you need from potential customers. You can ask for details like name, email, phone number, and custom questions relevant to your business or offer.

With us clearly defining what Facebook Lead Ads are, let’s discuss where you can use them. 

Where can you use Facebook Lead Ads?

Facebook Lead Ads can be used across various placements within the Facebook ecosystem, such as the news feed, within stories, and Facebook Marketplace. 

Here’s where you can run Facebook Lead Ads: 

Facebook News feed

Placing Lead Ads in the Facebook News Feed is highly effective because this is where users spend most of their time, both on desktop and mobile. 

Users who scroll through their feeds naturally encounter your ad, making it a seamless part of their browsing experience. This placement is ideal for reaching a broad audience with high engagement, as the ads blend into the content users consume.

Instagram feed

Instagram is known for its visually driven platform with a highly engaged user base, making it a prime location for Lead Ads. Your ads can appear in the Instagram feed and tap into users actively engaging with content. 

The visual nature of Instagram allows your Lead Ads to stand out, making it easier to capture attention and generate leads from an audience that is responsive to well-crafted, visually appealing ads.

Facebook and Instagram Stories

Stories offer a full-screen, immersive experience that is hard to ignore. Lead Ads in Stories take advantage of this format by creating a more engaging and interactive experience. 

Since Stories are often viewed in a vertical, mobile-first format, they feel more personal and direct. This allows you to connect with potential leads in a dynamic and captivating way, which is particularly beneficial for brands looking to create a strong impression quickly.

Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace is where users go with a specific intent to buy, sell, or browse products and services. 

Placing Lead Ads in this context increases their relevance because you're targeting users already in a shopping mindset. 

This placement can be particularly effective for local businesses or service providers looking to connect with users who are actively searching for their offerings.

Facebook Messenger

Lead Ads in Facebook Messenger create a more personalized and direct form of engagement. Since Messenger is used for personal communication, ads here feel less intrusive and more like a natural extension of the conversation. 

This method is beneficial for businesses looking to build a closer relationship with potential leads, as it allows for immediate interaction and follow-up, increasing the chances of conversion.

This multi-placement approach allows you to reach your target audience where they are most active, maximizing the impact of your lead generation efforts.

Now that you know where to run Facebook Lead Ads, let’s determine how to set them up. 

Facebook Lead Ad examples

Facebook Lead Ads can take many forms, such as advertisements for free Ebook downloads or ads offering product discounts. 

Here are some examples of Facebook Lead Ads that you might encounter: 

EBook Download Lead Ad

This type of Facebook Lead Ad is designed to generate leads by offering a free eBook that is highly relevant to your target audience. 

The ad features an engaging image of the eBook cover with a compelling headline such as "Get Your Free Guide to Boosting Social Media Engagement." 

Users are prompted to fill out a short form that typically asks for their name, email, and industry. The call-to-action (CTA) encourages immediate downloads with a simple "Download Now" button.

▶️ View Full Image Ad

Free eBook Facebook Ad

Webinar registration Lead Ad

A webinar registration lead ad aims to drive sign-ups for an upcoming event by highlighting the value of attending. 

The ad often includes a video preview of the webinar content and a headline like "Join Our Free Webinar on Digital Marketing Trends." 

The form usually requests basic details such as name, email, and job title to personalize follow-up communications. The CTA, "Sign Up Today," encourages users to register quickly.

▶️ View Full Image Ad

Vet Facebook ad

Product discount Lead Ad

This ad format is used to collect leads by offering an exclusive discount, enticing potential customers to take the next step. 

The creative typically includes a high-quality image of the featured product with a headline like "Get 20% Off Your First Purchase." 

The ad takes people to a form that asks for simple details such as name, email, and product interests to tailor future offers. The CTA invites immediate action, driving conversions and sales. 

▶️ View Full Image Ad

Car deal Facebook Ad

How to create a Facebook Lead Ad and run it successfully 

Running a Facebook Lead Ad involves several vital steps, such as setting your campaign objective, naming your campaign, setting your budget, defining your target audience, and much more.
Follow these steps to run a Facebook Lead Ad.

Step 1: Choose “Leads” as your campaign objective

Creating a lead ad on Facebook Ad Manager

Begin by accessing Facebook Ads Manager. Select "Leads" as your campaign objective. This ensures that your ads are optimized to capture leads by encouraging users to fill out a lead form directly within Facebook, making the process seamless and user-friendly.

Step 2: Name your campaign and set your budget

Setting a budget on Facebook Ad Manager

To organize your advertising efforts, assign a unique name to your campaign. Next, decide on your budget. 

You can choose a daily budget, which limits the amount you spend per day, or a lifetime budget, which spreads your ad spend across the entire campaign duration. Your choice should align with your overall advertising goals and financial resources.

Step 3: Define your target audience

Defining a target audience on Facebook Ad Manager

Defining your audience is crucial for reaching potential customers most likely interested in your offer. Use Facebook's robust targeting options to narrow your audience based on age, location, gender, interests, behaviors, and more. 

For a more precise targeting approach, consider creating lookalike audiences based on data from your current customers. This allows Facebook to find new users with similar characteristics, increasing your chances of capturing relevant leads.

Step 4: Select your ad placement

Selecting ad placement on Facebook Ad Manager

When selecting where your ad will appear, consider where your target audience is most active. Facebook offers multiple placement options, as we discussed above. Carefully consider the different areas where Facebook Lead Ads can appear and what sort of impact they may have. 

Selecting the right placements allows you to meet your audience where they are, increasing the likelihood of lead generation.

Step 5: Choose your ad creative

Choosing ad creative on Facebook Ad Manager

Your ad creative is the first impression potential leads will have of your offer, so it's essential to make it compelling. Choose visuals that stand out and pair them with copy that conveys the value of your offer. 

Incorporate a strong call-to-action (CTA) that encourages users to engage with the lead form. The creative should be aligned with the platform it’s displayed on—Instagram, for example, favors highly visual, aesthetically pleasing content.

Step 6: Build your lead form

Building a lead form on Facebook Ad Manager

Your lead form is where users will provide their contact information, so it needs to be user-friendly and concise. Customize your lead form to ask for the essential details you need, such as name, email, and phone number. 

Limit the number of fields to avoid overwhelming users and improve completion rates. Consider using conditional questions that adjust based on the user’s responses for more advanced lead qualification.

Step 7: Set up lead notifications and integrations

Timely follow-up is crucial for converting leads into customers. Decide how you want to receive lead notifications—via email, CRM integration, or another method. 

If you use a CRM, set up integrations so that leads are automatically imported into your system. This ensures your sales team can act quickly while the lead is still warm.

Step 8: Launch your ad and monitor performance

Launching a lead ad on Facebook Ad Manager

With everything in place, it’s time to launch your ad campaign. Once live, use Facebook Ads Manager to monitor your campaign's performance closely. Key metrics to track include cost per lead, conversion rate, and overall lead quality. 

Regularly review these metrics to identify areas for improvement. Implement A/B testing to experiment with different elements of your ad, such as targeting, creative, and lead forms. Continuous optimization will help you refine your campaign for better results.

Now, look at some of the best practices for using Facebook Lead Ads. 

Best practices for Facebook Lead Ads

Optimizing the performance of your Facebook Lead Ad by keeping your lead form short, offering an incentive, and using stunning visuals are just a few ways to go.

Follow these tips to optimize your Facebook Lead Ads. 

Offer a compelling lead magnet

To encourage users to share their contact information, provide a valuable incentive, such as an eBook, discount code, or free trial. The more enticing the offer, the higher your conversion rate will likely be. Ensure that the lead magnet is relevant to your target audience's needs and interests, making it an irresistible proposition for them to engage with your ad.

Keep your lead form short and mobile-friendly

The success of your lead form depends on its ease of completion, especially on mobile devices where most Facebook users engage. Ask only for the necessary information, such as name and email address. 

Avoid overwhelming users with too many fields, as shorter forms tend to convert better. Additionally, ensure the form is optimized for mobile devices, with a responsive design and easy-to-click options.

Use high-quality visuals

High-quality visuals are essential for grabbing attention in a crowded social media feed. Utilize images or videos that are visually appealing and directly related to your offer. 

Your visuals should convey the value of your lead magnet and complement the ad copy. This combination draws users in and reinforces your message, making them more likely to engage with the ad.

Write clear, concise copy

Your ad copy should be direct and to the point, clearly communicating the benefits of your offer. Avoid using jargon or complex language that could confuse or alienate potential leads.

Instead, focus on the value proposition and use a strong call-to-action (CTA) that prompts users to complete the lead form. The copy should align with the visuals and lead magnet to create a cohesive and compelling ad.

Test and optimize

To maximize your lead ads' effectiveness, regularly test elements such as ad formats, targeting options, visuals, and form fields. 

A/B testing allows you to compare variations of your ads and determine which versions perform best. 

Continuously monitor your ad performance and make data-driven adjustments to improve your cost per lead, conversion rates, and overall lead quality over time.

Follow up with leads quickly

Timely follow-up is crucial for converting leads into customers. Aim to contact new leads within 24 hours to capitalize on their interest while your brand is still fresh in their minds. 

Quick follow-up can increase the likelihood of moving leads further down the sales funnel. Consider using automated emails or CRM systems to ensure prompt responses and maintain engagement.

Sync leads with your CRM

Integrating Facebook Lead Ads with your CRM system is essential for efficient lead management. This integration allows instant syncing of new leads, ensuring they are promptly distributed to your sales team. 

Automated syncing also reduces the risk of data loss or delays, enabling your team to focus on nurturing leads and closing sales more effectively.

Incorporating these best practices into your Facebook Lead Ads strategy will help you generate more high-quality leads and maximize your return on ad spend (ROAS). 

By optimizing each aspect of your ads—from the offer to the follow-up—you can create a more efficient and effective lead-generation process that supports your business goals.

That said, some tools can make the Facebook Lead Ad process much easier, faster, and more effective, with Foreplay’s suite of tools being the most prominent. 

Take advantage of Foreplay’s tools for success

If you’re looking to optimize your Facebook Lead Ads, Foreplay offers a suite of tools that can significantly enhance your ad creative efficiency. This includes the Swipe File, Discovery, Spyder Ad Spy, and AI Briefs. 

Let’s take a look at each of them: 

  • By using the Swipe File tool, you can gather and organize inspiration from successful ads to inform your creative strategy. 
  • The Discovery feature allows you to access a vast library of curated ads, helping you stay ahead of trends and craft high-converting lead ads. 
  • With Spyder Ad Spy, you can monitor competitor ads and gain valuable insights into their strategies, which you can apply to your campaigns. 
  • Finally, the AI Briefs tool assists in creating detailed and effective briefs, ensuring that your lead ads are well-structured and aligned with your marketing goals. 

Integrating these tools into your Facebook Lead Ad strategy can maximize your campaign’s effectiveness and drive better results.

Running Facebook Lead Ads: Final thoughts

Optimizing your Facebook Lead Ads is essential for maximizing your return on ad spend. You can significantly improve ad performance and lead generation by keeping forms concise, offering valuable incentives, and using high-quality visuals. Quick follow-up is also essential to capitalize on interest and drive conversions. 

To take your strategy to the next level, Foreplay's suite of tools can streamline the process, offering valuable insights and creative inspiration that can take your campaigns to the next level. Foreplay is the ideal partner for optimizing your Facebook Lead Ads for the best results.

Frequently asked questions

What happens after someone submits my lead ad form?

After a user submits your lead ad form, their information is stored in your Facebook Ads Manager. You can download these leads manually or set up an automated system to sync them with your CRM. Prompt follow-up can help convert these leads into customers.

How much do Facebook Lead Ads cost?

The cost of Facebook lead ads varies based on factors like your target audience, industry, and competition. Typically, you are charged per lead, and costs can range from a few cents to several dollars per lead. Monitoring your cost-per-lead metric helps you stay within budget while optimizing performance.

What's a good conversion rate for lead ads?

A good conversion rate for lead ads generally falls between 5% and 15%, but this can vary based on your industry and offer. To improve performance, regularly analyze your conversion rates and adjust your ad copy, targeting, and lead form.

Can I edit my lead ad after it's published?

Yes, you can edit your lead ad after it's published. However, major changes may reset the learning phase, temporarily impacting performance. Minor edits, like budget or schedule adjustments, typically have less impact.

Where can I see my leads?

You can view your leads in the Facebook Ads Manager under the "Leads" section. Additionally, if you have set up CRM integration, leads will automatically sync to your CRM, making it easy to manage and follow up.

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