How Long Do Ads Stay in Review on Facebook?

How Long Do Ads Stay in Review on Facebook?

Find out how long Facebook ads typically stay in review, what triggers delays, and best practices to speed up the approval process for your ads.

Illustration of Facebook's logo with blue and purple circles around it.
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30 Second Summary
  • Facebook's ad review process combines automated and manual reviews to ensure compliance with advertising policies.
  • Most ads are reviewed within 24 hours, but complex ads, high submission volumes, and flagged content can delay approval.
  • Factors influencing review times include ad complexity, submission volume, landing page quality, and advertiser history.
  • To expedite approval, publish ads during business hours, maintain compliance with policies, and ensure high-quality, relevant ad content and landing pages.
  • You've created a Facebook ad and submitted it for review, but now you're stuck waiting.

    How long is this going to take? Why does Facebook even need to review your ad in the first place?

    Let's dive into what happens behind the scenes when you click that "Publish" button and how you can navigate the process smoothly.

    What is the Facebook ad review process?

    Before any ad goes live on Facebook, it must be approved to ensure it aligns with Meta's Advertising Policies. This review is in place to maintain a safe and trustworthy environment for Facebook users.

    Facebook's ad review system relies on a combination of automated and manual reviews. The automated technology applies Facebook's policies to the high volume of ads submitted daily. It checks your ad's images, text, targeting, positioning, and content on your ad's landing page.

    If the automated system detects any potential issues, your ad may be flagged for additional manual human review. Certain ads, like those related to politics or issues of national importance, automatically get flagged for manual review.

    How long do Facebook ads typically stay in review?

    Standard review time

    Facebook says most ads are reviewed within 24 hours. However, some reviews may happen much faster, even within a few minutes of submission. This is the typical timeframe for an ad to be approved if everything checks out in the automated review process. 

    If you've submitted an ad that follows all the guidelines and doesn't require additional scrutiny, you can expect it to be approved within 24 hours.

    Extended review time

    In some cases, the review process might take longer. Ads that require manual review, either due to their content or because they were flagged in the automated process, can take longer to be approved. 

    Holiday seasons and other high-traffic advertising periods can also lengthen review times due to the increased ad volume.

    Factors affecting review time

    Here are the elements that can influence how long your ad stays in review:

    • Ad complexity: The more intricate your ad's visual and textual components are, the more time Facebook's review process might take. Ads with detailed targeting, multiple images or videos, or nuanced messaging may require additional assessment.
    • Submission volume: The more ads in the queue for review, the longer yours may take to be approved. Expect slower reviews during peak advertising seasons like Q4.
    • Landing page: The review process also checks where your ad directs users. Your ad may be rejected if your landing page is slow, broken, or suspicious.
    • Advertising history: Advertisers with good track records may see faster reviews. However, if you've had multiple ad rejections or other policy violations, expect slower and more thorough reviews.

    If your ad is still under review after 24 hours, you can contact Facebook for an update on its status. 

    What triggers a Facebook ad review?

    Facebook's review process is not a one-and-done event. Your ad can be reviewed multiple times, especially if you make changes to it. 

    Here are the main triggers that can prompt a Facebook ad review:

    Creating a new Facebook ad

    Whenever you create a new ad on Facebook, it automatically enters the review queue. This applies whether you're setting up a brand new campaign or adding a new ad to an existing campaign. 

    Facebook's system will scrutinize your ad to ensure it complies with its advertising policies before it is approved to run.

    Making changes to an existing ad

    Even if your ad has already been approved, certain changes can trigger a re-review. These include:

    • Changing creative: If you update your ad's images, text, video, or destination link, Facebook will re-review it to ensure that any new content still adheres to its guidelines.
    • Altering audience targeting: When you modify your ad's target audience, such as changing demographics, interests, or behaviors, your ad will go through the review process again. Facebook wants to verify that your targeting aligns with their policies, especially for sensitive categories.
    • Choosing new optimization goals or billing events: Adjusting your ad's optimization or billing settings, like switching from link clicks to conversions, can also prompt a re-review. This helps Facebook confirm that your ad's objectives and payment methods are still compliant.

    Editing minor aspects of your ad, like its budget or schedule, typically won't trigger a new review. However, it's always best to allow some time for the review process when making any changes to your ads to avoid disruptions to your campaigns.

    How can you speed up your Facebook ad review?

    While Facebook doesn't offer an official way to expedite your ad review, there are some best practices that can help your ads get approved more quickly:

    Publish during business hours

    Aim to publish your ads between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. Monday through Friday. Ads submitted during these times often see faster reviews, likely due to higher staffing levels during regular business hours.

    Maintain consistency

    Facebook's review system favors consistency. If you have a history of running compliant ads and maintaining a good standing with Facebook's policies, your new ads may undergo less scrutiny and get approved faster. 

    Contrarily, expect longer review times if your ad account has faced multiple rejections or policy violations.

    Adhere to Facebook ads rules

    The closer you follow Facebook's advertising policies, the smoother your review process will be. 

    Before submitting your ad, double-check it against the guidelines to avoid any red flags that could slow down approval. This includes ensuring your ad's text, images, targeting, and landing page are all compliant.

    Ad copy should be clear and straightforward. Avoid making unrealistic claims and avoiding content related to restricted or prohibited topics. Familiarize yourself with Facebook's restricted content categories and ensure your ad doesn't promote anything on the list without proper authorization.

    Allow extra time in Q4

    The holiday season and Q4 in general see a surge in advertising activity on Facebook. With more ads in the review queue, turnaround times may be slower than usual.

    If you're launching campaigns during this busy period, build in a buffer of at least a few extra days for the review process to avoid any delays in going live.

    What happens if your Facebook ad gets stuck in review?

    Sometimes, despite your best efforts, your ad might get stuck in Facebook's review limbo. If your ad hasn't been approved or rejected within 24 hours, it's time to take action.

    Your first step should be to submit a request form to have Facebook manually review your ad. This form prompts you to provide details about your ad and why you believe it should be approved. 

    Be as specific and thorough as possible to help the review team understand your case.

    If you don't hear back or need further assistance, you can also reach out to Facebook directly through their Business Help Center. Go to the support section and look for options to chat with a representative or submit an email inquiry. 

    Provide your ad details and explain the situation, and a support team member will investigate further.

    In most cases, these two methods should help get your ad unstuck and either approved or rejected with clear feedback. However, if you continue to face issues or believe your ad was unfairly disapproved, don't hesitate to follow up with Facebook support until you get a resolution. 

    How to handle a denied Facebook ad

    Even if you follow all the best practices, you may still find your ad denied from time to time. Don't panic - this happens to every advertiser at some point. The key is knowing how to respond effectively.

    Here's how to handle it:

    Review Facebook's explanation

    When your ad is denied, Facebook will notify you via email and in your Ads Manager. They'll also provide an explanation of which specific policy your ad violated. This is your starting point for understanding what went wrong and how to fix it.

    Common reasons for ad denials include:

    • Prohibited content (promoting illegal products or services).
    • Restricted content without proper authorization (political ads, alcohol, dating sites).
    • Discriminatory practices (excluding certain groups based on protected characteristics).
    • Misleading or false claims ("get rich quick" schemes, unrealistic results).
    • Low-quality or disruptive content (sensationalized headlines, bad grammar/spelling).
    • Inconsistent landing page (ad doesn't match the product/service offered).

    Edit your ad

    You can often resolve the issue by making changes to your ad based on Facebook's feedback. This might involve rewording your copy, choosing a different image, adjusting your targeting, or updating your landing page.

    Double-check your revised ad against Facebook's advertising policies to ensure it now complies. Even small tweaks can make a big difference in getting your ad approved.

    Appeal the decision

    If you believe your ad was wrongly denied and actually does comply with Facebook's policies, you can submit an appeal. When you receive the rejection notice, it will include instructions on how to request a re-review.

    In your appeal, clearly explain why you think your ad should be approved and reference the specific policy you believe it adheres to. Provide any additional context or documentation that could help your case.

    Facebook's team will manually review your appeal and make a final decision. If they agree with your argument, they'll approve your ad to start running. If they still find issues with your ad, they'll provide further guidance on what needs to change.

    Duplicate and resubmit your ad

    In some situations, you might find that resubmitting the same ad (or a very similar version) leads to a different result. While not foolproof, this approach can work if your initial denial was a mistake or if you're dealing with a subjective policy.

    Create a duplicate of your ad and submit it for review. If it gets approved, great! If not, you'll need to dig deeper into the reasons for the denial and make more substantial changes.

    Create multiple versions and A/B test

    A proactive approach to avoiding ad denials is to create multiple versions of your ad from the start. This is a smart strategy for any campaign, as it allows you to A/B test different elements and optimize for the best performance.

    In the context of ad reviews, having multiple versions ready to go means you have a backup plan if one gets denied. You can pause the rejected ad and activate a different version to keep your campaign moving.

    As you test and iterate, you'll also gain valuable insights into what works and what doesn't in terms of ad creative, targeting, and messaging. Over time, this will help you craft ads that are more likely to be approved on the first try.

    Try organic posting instead

    If you're really struggling to get your ad approved, or if you're promoting content that's likely to be flagged, consider using organic posts instead.

    Facebook's advertising policies are stricter than their general community standards, so an organic post might fly even if an ad would be denied. Of course, organic reach is much more limited than paid reach, so this should be a last resort.

    You can still use many of the same targeting and optimization strategies with organic posts, such as:

    • Posting at peak times for your audience.
    • Using eye-catching visuals and compelling copy.
    • Engaging with comments and shares to boost visibility.
    • Leveraging relevant hashtags and trends.

    If an organic post performs well, you can always try boosting it with ad spend later on. Just remember that boosted posts still have to adhere to Facebook's advertising policies, so it's not a guaranteed workaround.

    5 tips for streamlining your Facebook ad approval process

    While you can't control Facebook's ad review process directly, you can take steps to minimize the chances of prolonged reviews or rejections. 

    Here are five tips to help streamline your ad approval process:

    Familiarize yourself with Facebook ads policies

    Take the time to read through Meta's Advertising Policies thoroughly. Understanding what is and isn't allowed will help you create compliant ads from the start. Pay special attention to the policies around prohibited content, restricted categories, and specific industries like finance or healthcare.

    Use high-quality, relevant, and truthful creative

    Your ad creative should be clear, relevant to your product or service, and truthful in its claims. Use high-quality images and videos that accurately represent what you're offering. Avoid making exaggerated or misleading statements, as these are likely to trigger a manual review or rejection.

    Avoid linking to irrelevant or poorly designed landing pages

    Facebook's review process extends to your ad's destination URL, so make sure your landing page is relevant, functional, and compliant. Avoid linking to pages with broken links, slow load times, or spammy content. Your landing page should deliver on the promise made in your ad and provide a smooth user experience.

    Don't misuse Facebook or Instagram brand assets

    Facebook is strict about how advertisers use their brand assets, including logos, icons, and screenshots. Only use official brand assets in your ads when necessary, and avoid making them the focal point of your creative. If you do include screenshots from Facebook or Instagram, make sure they're accurate and unaltered.

    Stay updated on policy changes

    Facebook's advertising policies evolve over time, so it's your job to stay informed about any changes or updates. Follow the Facebook Business news blog and sign up for email notifications to be alerted when policies are revised. This involves, regularly reviewing your existing ads to ensure they still comply with the new guidelines.

    What tools can help optimize your Facebook ad workflow?

    While you can't control Facebook's ad review process, you can optimize your workflow to minimize delays and keep your campaigns running smoothly. Ad workflow solutions, like Foreplay, streamline the ad creation and approval process, helping you navigate the complexities of Facebook advertising more efficiently.

    Foreplay offers features like collaborative mood boards, AI-powered ad briefs, and extensive ad libraries. These help you reduce ad revision times and enhance overall ad performance by taking a creative-first approach.

    Mood boards allow you to gather competitive ad inspiration and share ideas with your team, ensuring everyone is on the same page before moving ads into production. AI-generated ad briefs help you craft compelling copy and visuals that align with Facebook's policies, minimizing the risk of rejection.

    Foreplay’s Discovery library provides a wealth of examples to get inspiration from so you can model your ads after successful campaigns and avoid common pitfalls. By leveraging these tools, you can create high-converting ads more efficiently and keep your campaigns moving forward.

    Facebook's ad review process can be complex and time-consuming, but Foreplay simplifies it on the front end of your pre-production process. Combining his with collaborative tools and AI-driven insights that ensures your ads comply and get approved faster.

    Try Foreplay today and unlock the full potential of your ad campaigns. 

    Frequently asked questions

    What factors can affect the duration of the ad review process on Facebook?

    Several factors can influence the length of the ad review process, including the complexity of the ad, the volume of ads being submitted, and the need for additional review for compliance with Facebook's advertising policies.

    Why is my Facebook ad still in review after 24 hours?

    If your ad is still under review after 24 hours, it may be due to a high volume of submissions, the need for a more thorough review, or potential issues with your ad content. If your ad remains under review for an extended period, you can contact Facebook support for more information.

    How can I ensure my ad passes the Facebook review process quickly?

    To help your ad pass the review process quickly, ensure that it adheres to Facebook's advertising policies, including guidelines on prohibited content, targeting, and ad format. Avoid using misleading or inappropriate content and provide a clear call-to-action.

    Can I run my Facebook ad while it is still under review?

    No, your ad cannot run until it has been approved by Facebook. Once approved, your ad will start running according to your specified schedule and targeting options.

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